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geoakima 0.20
Akima - This package allows to perform an Akima interpolation
This package allows to perform an interpolation with the Akima method specially adapted to fill the geographic data
Systeme recquired
gfortran 7
installation with pip
pip install geoakima
Trying Akima3D
>>> import geoakima.geoakima as ga
>>> akima=ga.geoakima()
>>> or .csv
By default the file containing the data to Interpolated is called "DataTrain.txt",
it is placed in the sources.
Here are its formatting (4 first lines)
20111021-0001 153901.098 2560282.065 1.256
20111021-0002 153901.091 2560282.527 1.239
20111021-0003 153900.996 2560283.208 1.249
20111021-0004 153900.93 2560284.064 1.288
The script "" and the file "FileName.txt"
must be placed in the working folder,
not forgetting to pass the name of the data file
to the read function ""FileName.txt")".
code based on :, tripack.f
Hiroshi Akima
U.S. Department of Commerce, NTIA/ITS
Version of 1995/05
Robert J. Renka
Dept. of Computer Science
Univ. of North Texas
For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.
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