gerrit-view 0.4.6

Creator: bradpython12

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gerritview 0.4.6

Current set of tools:

qgerrit – to query different projects’ Gerrit reviews based on a set of criteria/filters.
cgerrit – to view (in real time) Gerrit reviews on CLI.
czuul – to view Gerrit reviews’ Zuul (a pipeline oriented project gating and automation system) status on CLI.

Use qgerrit to query different projects’ Gerrit reviews
based on a set of criteria/filters:
$ qgerrit -u 'harlowja'
$ qgerrit -h

Usage: qgerrit [options]

-h, --help show this help message and exit
-l USER, --login=USER
connect to gerrit with USER
-u USER, --user=USER gather information on given USER
-s STATUS, --status=STATUS
gather information on given status
-m MESSAGE, --message=MESSAGE
filter on message
-p PROJECT, --project=PROJECT
gather information on given project
-b BRANCH, --branch=BRANCH
filter on branch
-a APPROVAL, --approval=APPROVAL
filter on approval value min %n [default: no filter]
-k FILE, --keyfile=FILE
gerrit ssh keyfile [default: attempt to use
local agent]
-t SORT, --sort=SORT sort order for results [default: createdOn]
-n LIMIT, --limit=LIMIT
Limit the number of returned results. Note that this
limit is applied before sorting
-d, --deps Display results as a dependency tree
-f FIELD, --field=FIELD
display field in results [default: 'approvals',
'branch', 'createdOn', 'lastUpdated', 'owner',
'project', 'status', 'subject', 'topic', 'url']


To enumerate all reviews requests for openstack/nova which touch a
file with libvirt in the name:
$ qgerrit \
-l harlowja \
-f url -f branch -f owner -f subject:100 \
-f lastUpdated -f createdOn -f approvals \
--sort createdOn \
--project openstack/nova \

Show reviews for neutron which does not have any negative karma, as
those reviews are going to be resubmitted any way:
$ qgerrit -l harlowja -a c0,v0 neutron

(Thanks to Daniel Berrange for the above two examples)

Use cgerrit to watch (in realtime) the reviews showing up (powered by
urwid and the gerrit libraries):
$ cgerrit
$ cgerrit -h

Usage: cgerrit [options]

-h, --help show this help message and exit
-u USER, --user=USER gerrit user [default: harlowja]
-s SERVER, --server=SERVER
gerrit server [default:]
-p PORT, --port=PORT gerrit port [default: 29418]
--prefetch=COUNT prefetch amount [default: 50]
-k FILE, --keyfile=FILE
gerrit ssh keyfile [default: attempt to use local
--project=PROJECT only show given projects reviews
-v FILE, --verbose=FILE
run in verbose mode and log output to the given file
-i COUNT, --items=COUNT
how many items to keep visible [default: 50]
-r FILE, --record-file=FILE
record file to store past events (also used for
initial view population if provided)

Keys supported

(S, s) - Change sort mode (default none)
(q, Q, esc) - Quit
(up, down, page up, page down) - Scroll up/down


To view reviews (real-time) for a specific project:
$ cgerrit -u harlowja --project=openstack/neutron

To view reviews (real-time) for all projects:
$ cgerrit -u harlowja

Use czuul to watch the reviews zuul status (powered by
urwid and the requests libraries):
$ czuul
$ czuul -h
Usage: czuul [options]

-h, --help show this help message and exit
-s URL, --server=URL zuul server [default:]
split screen count [default: 3]
-p PIPELINE, --pipeline=PIPELINE
only show given pipelines reviews
-r SECONDS, --refresh=SECONDS
refresh every X seconds [default: 30]
--project=PROJECT only show given projects reviews
--no-details skip fetching each reviews details
-v FILE, --verbose=FILE
run in verbose mode and log output to the given file
fetch review remotes from this gerrit server [default:]

Keys supported

(R, r) - Force refresh
(q, Q, esc) - Quit
(up, down, page up, page down) - Scroll up/down
(left, right) - Scroll left/right
(enter) - show job details


To get details about a project:
$ czuul --project "openstack/nova"

To track all OpenStack project details in one go:
$ czuul --project "openstack/*"


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.


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