github-backup-tool 0.0.5

Creator: bradpython12

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githubbackuptool 0.0.5

BIG NOTE: This is a work-in-progress.
A crunchy tool for backing up repositories of multiple specified GitHub organizations.
What does it do?
It will backup all Git repositories it has access to.
What does it not do?
At this moment, it will not back up:


Eventually, backing up of these will be implemented.
How to use?

Set up a GitHub token, with a "repo" scope.
Configure the config.yaml file accordingly.
Set up your running environment either via a virtualenv or distribution packages:


Create a Python virtual environment via virtualenv venv
Activate your venv via source venv/bin/activate (Consider the shell you are using, and adjuct this step accrodingly.)
Install via pip install github-backup-tool

distribution packages:

GitPython, GitPython@Repology
PyGithub, PyGithub@Repology
PyYAML, PyYAML@Repology

Run gbt -c yourconfig.yaml.


Backup abandoned commits in master as a separate branch if commits were pushed to origin forcefully
Backup issues
Backup hooks
Backup information of users, belonging to an organization
Configuration: allow for ignoring of certain repositories
Brainstorm about more ideas as to what to back up


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.


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