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githubstatuschecker 1.0.2
GitHub Status Checker
What this is
A tool and Python module for checking the status of GitHub.
Install the module via pip
moose@rapid7:~$ pip install github-status-checker
moose@rapid7:~$ github-status webhooks
Service 'Webhooks' is currently operational!
Contributions are welcome! This project utilizes black
and pre-commit for handling code
style. Simply follow the instructions for installing pre-commit and
run pre-commit install in the repository after cloning and you will
be on your way to contributing!
1.0.2 - Update to handle crash on outage report | Code style: black
| Add contribution section
1.0.1 - Update homepage and author name
1.0.0 - Swap dataclasses for traditional classes for greater Python version
compatibility (Python 3.x+)
0.1.0 - Initial development, support Summary
For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.
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