git2s3 0.0.4

Creator: bradpython12

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git2s3 0.0.4

Backup GitHub projects to AWS S3

Platform Supported


Kick off

Install python 3.10 or 3.11
Use a dedicated virtual environment

Install Git2S3
python -m pip install git2s3

Initiate - IDE
import git2s3

if __name__ == '__main__':
git = git2s3.Git2S3()

Initiate - CLI
git2s3 start

Use git2s3 --help for usage instructions.

Environment Variables

Sourcing environment variables from an env file

By default, Git2S3 will look for a .env file in the current working directory.
Refer samples directory for examples.

GIT_API_URL - GitHub API endpoint. Defaults to
GIT_OWNER - GitHub profile owner or organization name.
GIT_TOKEN - GitHub token to get ALL repos (including private).
GIT_IGNORE - List of repositories/gists to ignore. Defaults to []
SOURCE - Source options [repo, gist, wiki] to back up. Defaults to all.
LOG - Log options to log to a file or stdout. Does not apply when custom logger is used
DEBUG - Boolean flag to enable debug level logging. Does not apply when custom logger is used
STORE_LOCAL - Boolean flag to store the backup locally. Defaults to False
AWS_PROFILE_NAME - AWS profile name. Uses the CLI config value AWS_DEFAULT_PROFILE by default.
AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID - AWS access key ID. Uses the CLI config value AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID by default.
AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY - AWS secret key. Uses the CLI config value AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY by default.
AWS_REGION_NAME - S3 bucket's region. Uses the CLI config value AWS_DEFAULT_REGION by default.
AWS_BUCKET_NAME - AWS bucket name to store the backups.
AWS_S3_PREFIX - S3 prefix (folder like) for the backup. Defaults to github
BOTO3_RETRY_ATTEMPTS - Number of retries for Boto3 client config. Defaults to 10
BOTO3_RETRY_MODE - Boto3 retry configuration for S3 client. Defaults to standard

Coding Standards
Docstring format: Google
Styling conventions: PEP 8 and isort
Release Notes
python -m pip install gitverse

gitverse-release reverse -f release_notes.rst -t 'Release Notes'

pre-commit will ensure linting, run pytest, generate runbook & release notes, and validate hyperlinks in ALL
markdown files (including Wiki pages)
python -m pip install sphinx==5.1.1 pre-commit recommonmark

pre-commit run --all-files

Pypi Package
License & copyright
© Vignesh Rao
Licensed under the MIT License


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.


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