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gmailsmtplibmicro 0.1.2
Provides a wrapper class for smtplib to handle GMail usage
Set up a configuration file and pass through email data
from gmail_smtplib_micro import GmailSMTPLib
g = GmailSMTPLib("pysnail.conf")
g.send_file("","[email protected]")
Can also be invoked with a provided email object
from gmail_smtplib_micro import GmailSMTPLib, Email
subject = "The string of the subject"
body = "This is the body of the email\nIncluding line breaks"
e = Email(subject, body)
g = GmailSMTPLib("pysnail.conf")
g.send_object(e,"[email protected]")
Examples of the configuration and email file can be shown via:
from gmail_smtplib_micro import ExampleEmail, ExampleConfiguration
For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.
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