google_embed 0.1.0

Creator: bradpython12

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google embed 0.1.0

Google-Embed is a Pelican plugin providing restucturedText directives to allow
easy embedding of Google+ (for example a public post or album) and Google Maps.
Live examples can also be viewed from a Pelican-built website.

Embed Google+ posts within a page or blog post easily, simply by specifying the URL of
the post.
Google Maps can also be embedded by specifying:

A place
A search term
Directions with optional waypoints

Furthermore, a static image from Google Maps or Google Streetview can also
be embedded.

Google-Embed can be installed using pip
$ pip install google-embed
or manually from the source code
$ python install
Once installed, simply add it to your configuration file:
# ...

Whilst not required, it is recommended that you sign up for an
API key. This can be
entered in your file after loading the
google_embed plugin like so:


To embed a public Google+ post, you just need the permalink to
the post:
.. gplus:: PERMALINK

Embed Google Maps
To embed a Google Map object:
.. gmaps:: location
:mode: place
where location in this case is a name of a specific place. Note that
:mode: is a required option, and can take the value place or search.
If in search mode, the value of location can be a more generic phrase,
such as Mexican Restraunts near Fake St - the result will be displayed on
the map with markers.
Other options include:

:align: - left, right, or center
:maptype: - roadmap or satelite

Embed Google Map Directions
To embed Google Map directions:
.. directions::
:mode: walking
:origin: Tower of London
:destination: Westminster Abbey
Required options:

:mode: - driving, walking, bicycling, transit, flying

Other options include:

:align: - left, right, or center
:maptype: - roadmap or satelite
:waypoints: - points to stop along the way. Should be entered like Berlin+Germany|Paris+France

Embed Google Map as an Image
.. static-map:: The queens larder
Other options include:

:align: - left, right, or center
:maptype: - roadmap, satelite, hybrid, terrain
:markers: - places markers on the map
:zoom: - default is 12

When using markers, styles come before locations. For numerous markers of the same style,
.. static-map:: The queens larder
:markers: color:blue The+British+Museum Lamb+Bar
For markers of different styles, these should be separated with a &:
.. static-map:: The queens larder
:markers: color:blue label:A The+British+Museum & color:red label:B Lamb+Bar
Note that marker locations use + to seprate words, not spaces.

Embed Streetview as an Image
.. streetview:: Paragon, Orchard Rd
Other options include:

:align: - left, right, or center


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.


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