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google mobile ads manager

This package provides a simple, concise, and fully managed way of interacting with the AdMobSDK for Dart provided by google_mobile_ads.
Features #

🚀 Automatic efficient ad preloading and queueing
💪 Smart request retrying on fail
🛡 Error handling
⚙️ Automatic ad disposal after show
⚡ Efficient optional probabilistic ad showing, to enhance user experiences
❤️ Concise, intuitive API separated by ad type
🔋 Batteries included :)

Initialization Strategies #
Ads can be initialized in 2 ways:

When initializing the AdMob SDK, through a list of Initializer objects provided at startup
At any time, by providing an Initializer object of the relevant type to the appropriate method in MobileAdsManager.instance

All types of Ads have automatic retry mechanisms in place that will retry for a set number of times on a failed load (except for App Open ads), before throwing an error.
App Open ads do not retry because in most cases, retrying the load will take too long, and it is better to skip it in favor of a better experience for the user.
MobileAdsManager #
The MobileAdsManager is the class that manages everything, and is accessible everywhere through the static instance getter. A call to initializeSDK must be done before using any of the other methods provided by the class.
// Getting the instance
final adManager = MobileAdsManager.instance;

// Initializing the SDK, with no ads and default configs.
// Note that this method does not need to be in a try-catch
// block
// Errors can be handled by providing appropriate callbacks to
// this function, or are otherwise automatically suppressed
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MobileAdsManager can also be initialized with custom configuration, to make things easier and more convenient:
loadingStrategy: LoadingStrategy.fastLoading,
appOpenAd: AppOpenAdInitializer(adUnitId: '<Ad Unit ID>'),
interstitialAds: <InterstitialAdInitializer>[
/// Iniitalizes 3 Interstitial ads each, of <Ad Unit ID 1>, and
/// <Ad Unit ID 2>
InterstitialAdInitializer(adUnitId: '<Ad Unit ID 1>', count: 3),
InterstitialAdInitializer(adUnitId: '<Ad Unit ID 2>', count: 3),
rewardedAds: <RewardedAdInitializer>[
/// Initializes 2 Rewarded ads each, of <Ad Unit ID 3>, and
/// <Ad Unit ID 4>
RewardedAdInitializer(adUnitId: '<Ad Unit ID 3>', count: 2),
RewardedAdInitializer(adUnitId: '<Ad Unit ID 4>', count: 2),
bannerAds: <BannerAdInitializer>[
/// Iniitalizes 2 Banner ads, of <Ad Unit ID 5>, and
/// <Ad Unit ID 6>
adUnitId: '<Ad Unit ID 5>',
bannerAdSize: AdSize.banner,
adUnitId: '<Ad Unit ID 6>',
bannerAdSize: AdSize.banner,
onSDKInitializationError: (Object? error, StackTrace stackTrace) {
// Handle errors associated with initializing the AdMob SDK
onAdsInitializationError: (Object? error, StackTrace stackTrace) {
// Handle errors associated with initializing any Ads
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Initializing Ads through initializeSDK is purely a convenience feature; every type of ad except for App Open Ads can also be separately initialized — at any time after calling initializeSDK first — through the methods on MobileAdsManager mentioned below.

App Open Ads #
App Open ads are interacted with through a fully self-managing instance of ManagedAppOpenAd.
The instance manages initializing the ad with the provided callbacks, loading the ad, and disposing it on load failure or after its shown.
ManagedAppOpenAds can be initialized by providing an instance of AppOpenAdInitializer to initializeSDK during SDK initialization. They cannot be initialized any time after.
This single instance of ManagedAppOpenAd can be retrieved at any time from MobileAdsManager.instance.getManagedAppOpenAd(), and can be shown by calling showAppOpenAd() on the ManagedAppOpenAd instance.
// Initializing the App Open Ad with a simple
// AppOpenAdInitializer configuration
appOpenAd: AppOpenAdInitializer(adUnitId: '<Ad Unit ID>'),

// Getting the initialized App Open Ad
ManagedAppOpenAd ad = MobileAdsManager.instance.getManagedAppOpenAd()!;

// Showing the ad, and automatically disposing it after
// its done showing
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App Open Ads can be shown based in a probabilistic method (for example, when an App Open Ad should be shown 60% of the time a user opens the app) by passing the probability, ranging from 0.0 to 1.0 to AppOpenAdInitializer.loadChance.

Depending on what ManagedAppOpenAd.loadChance is, the ManagedOpenAd may be null. Passing no value results in a loadChance of 1.0, which guarantees the ManagedOpenAd will always be loaded.

// Initializing the App Open Ad with an AppOpenAdInitializer configuration
// that leads to the Ad being loaded only 70% of the time.
appOpenAd: AppOpenAdInitializer(
adUnitId: '<Ad Unit ID>',
loadChance: 0.7,

// Getting the initialized App Open Ad, which can be null
ManagedAppOpenAd? ad = MobileAdsManager.instance.getManagedAppOpenAd();

// Showing the ad if it is not null, with automatic disposal, if its shown
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The ManagedAppOpenAd instance also provides a dispose method, to allow for the ad to be manually disposed, in the event it is not shown. This method does not need to be called in normal usage.
// Getting the initialized App Open Ad
ManagedAppOpenAd ad = MobileAdsManager.instance.getManagedAppOpenAd()!;

// Disposing the ad manually, because it is not
// to be shown
// Note that calling `dispose` disposes the ad as well as the ManagedAppOpenAd
// instance, and MobileAdsManager.instance.getManagedAppOpenAd() returns null
// afterwards.
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Interstitial Ads #
Interstitial Ads are interacted with through a fully self-managing queue instance of ManagedInterstitialAdQueue, similar to Rewarded Ads. The queue contains a number of InterstitialAds determined by InterstitialAdInitializer.count, and automatically disposes an Ad once its shown, and loads another in its place.
In this way, a small number of ads are always preloaded and ready to be shown, cutting down on waiting times.
The queue can be initialized by providing an instance of InterstitialAdInitializer to initializeSDK during SDK initialization, Alternatively, they can also be initialized at any time by calling
Any particular instance of ManagedInterstitialAdQueue can be retrieved at any time from MobileAdsManager.instance.getManagedInterstitialAdQueue(), and an ad from the queue can be shown by calling showInterstitialAd() on the ManagedInterstitialAdQueue instance, which also handles disposing the ad and loading another in its place.

Always initialize only one queue per Interstitial Ad Unit ID. If you need many ads preloaded, because you use one Ad Unit Id throughout your app, for example, consider bumping up the value of InterstitialAdInitializer.count to increase the number of ads in the queue

// Initializing 2 instances of ManagedInterstitialAdQueue, one for
// each Ad Unit ID, when initializing the SDK
interstitialAds: <InterstitialAdInitializer>[
// Initializes 3 Interstitial ads each, of <Ad Unit ID 1>, and
// <Ad Unit ID 2>
InterstitialAdInitializer(adUnitId: '<Ad Unit ID 1>', count: 3),
InterstitialAdInitializer(adUnitId: '<Ad Unit ID 2>', count: 3),

/// Initializing a 3rd instance of ManagedInterstitialAdQueue, for
/// <Ad Unit ID 3>, and assigning it to ad3
ManagedInterstitialAdQueue queue3 =
await MobileAdsManager.instance.initializeInterstitialAds(
interstitialAdInitializer: InterstitialAdInitializer(
adUnitId: '<Ad Unit ID 3>',
count: 3,

// Getting the initialized ManagedInterstitialAdQueue for <Ad Unit ID 2>,
// if it exists
ManagedInterstitialAdQueue? queue2 =
adUnitId: '<Ad Unit ID 2>',

// Showing the ad (if it is not null) with a chance to show of 65%,
// and automatically disposing it after, if it shows
queue2?.showInterstitialAd(showChance: 0.65);

// Getting all initialized instances of ManagedInterstitialAdQueue, so,
// in this example, instances of <Ad Unit ID 1>, <Ad Unit ID 2> and
// <Ad Unit ID 3>
// Note, if no initialized instances exist, the list will be empty
List<ManagedInterstitialAdQueue> queues =
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Each ManagedInterstitialAdQueue instance also provides a dispose method, to allow for the queue to be disposed when it is no longer needed (which is unlikely, for normal use-cases).
// Getting the initialized ManagedInterstitialAdQueue for <Ad Unit ID 1>,
// if it exists
ManagedInterstitialAdQueue? queue =
adUnitId: '<Ad Unit ID 1>',

// Disposing the queue (if it exists).
// Note that calling `dispose` disposes the queue as well as the ManagedInterstitialAdQueue
// instance, and MobileAdsManager.instance.getManagedInterstitialAdQueue(adUnitId: '<Ad Unit ID 2>');
// returns null afterwards.
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Calling dispose does not dispose an individual ad, and rather disposes the entire queue of ads for that Ad Unit ID, as well as the ManagedInterstitialAdQueue instance. Individual ads will be automatically disposed once they're shown, or if they ever fail to load.

Rewarded Ads #
Rewarded Ads are interacted with through a fully self-managing queue instance of ManagedRewardedAdQueue, similar to Interstitial Ads. The queue contains a number of RewardedAds determined by RewardedAdInitializer.count, and automatically disposes an Ad once its shown, and loads another in its place.
In this way, a small number of ads are always preloaded and ready to be shown, cutting down on waiting times.
The queue can be initialized by providing an instance of RewardedAdInitializer to initializeSDK during SDK initialization, Alternatively, they can also be initialized at any time by calling
Any particular instance of ManagedRewardedAdQueue can be retrieved at any time from MobileAdsManager.instance.getManagedRewardedAdQueue(), and an ad from the queue can be shown by calling showRewardedAd() on the ManagedRewardedAdQueue instance, which also handles disposing the ad and loading another in its place.

Always initialize only one queue per Rewarded Ad Unit ID. If you need many ads preloaded, because you use one Ad Unit Id throughout your app, for example, consider bumping up the value of RewardedAdInitializer.count to increase the number of ads in the queue

// Initializing 2 instances of ManagedRewardedAdQueue, one for
// each Ad Unit ID, when initializing the SDK
rewardedAds: <RewardedAdInitializer>[
// Initializes 2 Rewarded ads each, of <Ad Unit ID 1>, and
// <Ad Unit ID 2> RewardedAdInitializer(adUnitId: '<Ad Unit ID 1>', count: 2),
RewardedAdInitializer(adUnitId: '<Ad Unit ID 2>', count: 2),

// Initializing a 3rd instance of ManagedRewardedAdQueue, for
// <Ad Unit ID 3>, and assigning it to ad3
ManagedRewardedAdQueue queue3 =
await MobileAdsManager.instance.initializeRewardedAds(
rewardedAdInitializer: RewardedAdInitializer(
adUnitId: '<Ad Unit ID 3>',
count: 3,

// Getting the initialized ManagedRewardedAdQueue for <Ad Unit ID 2>,
// if it exists
ManagedRewardedAdQueue? queue2 =
adUnitId: '<Ad Unit ID 2>',

// Showing the ad (if it is not null) with a chance to show of 65%,
// and automatically disposing it after, if it shows
showChance: 0.65,
onUserEarnedReward: (AdWithoutView ad, RewardItem reward) {
// Give the user a reward

// Getting all initialized instances of ManagedRewardedAdQueue, so,
// in this example, instances of <Ad Unit ID 1>, <Ad Unit ID 2> and
// <Ad Unit ID 3>
// Note, if no initalized instances exist, the list will be empty
List<ManagedRewardedAdQueue> queues =
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Each ManagedRewardedAdQueue instance also provides a dispose method, to allow for the queue to be disposed when it is no longer needed (which is unlikely, for normal use-cases).
// Getting the initialized ManagedRewardedAdQueue for <Ad Unit ID 1>,
// if it exists
ManagedRewardedAdQueue? queue =
adUnitId: '<Ad Unit ID 1>',

// Disposing the queue (if it exists).
// Note that calling `dispose` disposes the queue as well as the ManagedRewardedAdQueue
// instance, and MobileAdsManager.instance.getManagedRewardedAdQueue(adUnitId: '<Ad Unit ID 2>');
// returns null afterwards.
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Calling dispose does not dispose an individual ad, and rather disposes the entire queue of ads for that Ad Unit ID, as well as the ManagedRewardedAdQueue instance. Individual ads will be automatically disposed once they're shown, or if they ever fail to load.

Banner Ads #
Banner ads are interacted with through a self-managing instance of ManagedBannerAd.
The instance manages initializing the ad with the provided callbacks, loading the ad, and disposing it on load failure. The actual BannerAd itself, for display by an AdWidget provided by google_mobile_ads, can be retrieved with a call to ManagedBannerAd.getAd().
ManagedBannerAds can be initialized by providing an instance of BannerAdInitializer to initializeSDK during SDK initialization. Alternatively, they can also be initialized at any time by calling
Any particular instance of ManagedBannerAd can also be retrieved at any time from MobileAdsManager.instance.getManagedBannerAd by passing it the Ad Unit ID.
A List of all ManagedBannerAds can be retrieved from MobileAdsManager.instance.getAllManagedBannerAds.
// Initializing 2 instances of ManagedBannerAd, one for
// each Ad Unit ID, when initializing the SDK
bannerAds: <BannerAdInitializer>[
adUnitId: '<Ad Unit ID 1>',
bannerAdSize: AdSize.banner,
adUnitId: '<Ad Unit ID 2>',
bannerAdSize: AdSize.banner,

// Initializing the 3rd instance of ManagedBannerAd, for
// <Ad Unit ID 3>, when initializing the SDK
ManagedBannerAd ad3 = await MobileAdsManager.instance.initializeBannerAds(
bannerAdInitializer: BannerAdInitializer(
adUnitId: '<Ad Unit ID 3>',
bannerAdSize: AdSize.banner,

// Getting the initialized ManagedBannerAd for <Ad Unit ID 2>,
// if it exists
ManagedBannerAd? ad2 = MobileAdsManager.instance.getManagedBannerAd(
adUnitId: '<Ad Unit ID 2>',

// Configuring the ad widget, which is how the banner ad is actually shown.
// This is part of the google_mobile_ads package.
Widget adWidget = AdWidget(ad: ad2!.getAd());

// Getting all initialized instances of ManagedBannerAd, so,
// in this example, instances of <Ad Unit ID 1>, <Ad Unit ID 2> and
// <Ad Unit ID 3>
// Note, if no initialized instances exist, the list will be empty
List<ManagedBannerAd> ads = MobileAdsManager.instance.getAllManagedBannerAds();
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The ManagedBannerAd instance also provides a dispose method, to be called when the AdWidget is removed from the widget tree. This method will almost always need to be called at some point when using ManagedBannerAds. (If, for example your app only has one static screen, then the AdWidget is never removed from the widget tree, and dispose is never called).
/// .... Other Widget code, including ad2's initialization
void dispose() {
/// Disposing the banner ad via the dispose method
/// on the ManagedBannerAd instance
/// Note that undefined behavior will result if dispose
/// is called on the banner ad itself

/// .... Other Widget code
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As per the AdMob docs, the BannerAd should be disposed when the AdWidget is removed from the widget tree. When using ManagedBannerAd to manage banner ads, instead of calling dispose on the BannerAd itself, dispose must be called on the instance of ManagedBannerAd. If this is not done, undefined behavior may result, with MobileAdManager referencing already disposed banner ads, and returning them in response to queries.
If no instances of ManagedBannerAds exist, then an empty List of type ManagedBannerAd is returned from MobileAdsManager.instance.getAllManagedBannerAds
Always initialize only one banner ad per banner Ad Unit ID. If you need many ads preloaded, consider using different banner Ad Unit IDs.

License #
This package is licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0
Copyright 2023 Tanzil Zubair Bin Zaman

Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at

Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.
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For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.


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