
Creator: coderz1093

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google search place

google_search_place #

Custom Google search places autocomplete widget for all platform.
Get started #
Add dependency #
You can use the command to add google_search_place as a dependency with the latest stable version:
$ dart pub add google_search_place
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Or you can manually add google_search_place into the dependencies section in your pubspec.yaml:
google_search_place: ^replace-with-latest-version
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The latest version is:
The latest version including pre-releases is:
Before you upgrade: Breaking changes might happen in major and minor versions of packages.
See the [Migration Guide][] for the complete breaking changes list.
Super simple to use #
import 'package:google_search_place/google_search_place.dart';

final TextEditingController _searchPlaceController = TextEditingController();
googleAPIKey: "",
controller: _searchPlaceController,
itmOnTap: (Prediction prediction) {
_searchPlaceController.text = prediction.description ?? "";

_searchPlaceController.selection = TextSelection.fromPosition(TextPosition(offset: prediction.description?.length ?? 0));
getPlaceDetailWithLatLng: (Prediction prediction) {
_searchPlaceController.text = prediction.description ?? "";

_searchPlaceController.selection = TextSelection.fromPosition(TextPosition(offset: prediction.description?.length ?? 0));

debugPrint("${} ${prediction.lng}");

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Customization Option #
You can customize a text field input decoration and debounce time


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.


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