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great circle distance

Great-circle distance #
Calculate the great-circle distance between two points (having Latitude,Longitude) on the surface of Earth
You can get the distance using the Spherical law of cosines, Haversine formula or Vincenty`s formula
The great-circle distance is the shortest distance between two points on the surface of a sphere

A diagram illustrating great-circle distance (drawn in red) between two points on a sphere, P and Q. Two antipodal points, u and v, are also depicted. By CheCheDaWaff (Own work) [CC BY-SA 4.0 (], via Wikimedia Commons

Included in this library:

Spherical law of cosines
Haversine formula
Vincenty` formula (por from the Android implementation)

Disclaimer: The earth is not quite a sphere. This means that errors(0.3%,0.5% errors) from assuming spherical geometry might be considerable depending on the points; so: don't trust your life on this value
Usage example:
final lat1 = 41.139129;
final lon1 = 1.402244;

final lat2 = 41.139074;
final lon2 = 1.402315;

var gcd = new GreatCircleDistance.fromDegrees(latitude1: lat1, longitude1: lon1, latitude2: lat2, longitude2: lon2);

print('Distance from location 1 to 2 using the Haversine formula is: ${gcd.haversineDistance()}');
print('Distance from location 1 to 2 using the Spherical Law of Cosines is: ${gcd.sphericalLawOfCosinesDistance()}');
print('Distance from location 1 to 2 using the Vicenty`s formula is: ${gcd.vincentyDistance()}');
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Check Wikipedia for detailed description on Great-circle distance


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