
Creator: coderz1093

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groq sdk

Groq Dart SDK #
A powerful Dart client library for interacting with the Groq Cloud API, empowering you to easily harness the capabilities of state-of-the-art Large Language Models (LLMs) within your Dart and Flutter applications.
Features #

Intuitive Chat Interface: Seamlessly create and manage chat sessions with Groq's LLMs.
Streaming Support: Receive chat responses in real time with streaming functionality.
Model Management: Retrieve metadata about available Groq models and dynamically switch between them.
Customization: Configure chat settings to fine-tune responses (temperature, max tokens, etc.).
Resource Usage Tracking: Get detailed insights into token usage and request/response times.
Rate Limit Information: Stay informed about your Groq API usage limits.
Future-proof: Easily support new Groq models as they become available.
Audio Transcription: Transcribe audio files into text using Groq's powerful Whisper models.
Audio Translation: Translate audio files directly into english.
Content Moderation: Easily check if texts are harmful.

Getting Started #

Obtain a Groq API Key:

Visit the Groq Cloud console to create your API key:

Install the Groq Dart SDK:

Add groq_sdk to your pubspec.yaml file:
groq_sdk: ^0.1.0 # add the latest version here
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Run dart pub get.

Usage #
Creating a new chat #
This initiates a new chat session with the specified model, optionally customizing settings like temperature and max tokens.
final groq = Groq('YOUR_GROQ_API_KEY');
//Start a chat with default settings
if(!await groq.canUseModel(GroqModels.llama3_8b)) return;

final chat = groq.startNewChat(GroqModels.llama3_8b);

//Start a chat with custom settings
final customChat = groq.startNewChat(GroqModels.llama3_70b, settings: GroqChatSettings(
temperature: 0.8, //More creative responses
maxTokens: 512, //shorter responses
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Listening to a chat stream #
This allows you to process each message (both user requests and model responses) as they are sent and received in real-time.
final chat = groq.startNewChat(GroqModels.llama3_8b); {
event.when(request: (requestEvent) {
//Listen for user prompts
print('Request sent...');
}, response: (responseEvent) {
//Listen for llm responses
'Received response: ${responseEvent.response.choices.first.message}');
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Sending a Message #
Sends a message to the model and awaits the response. The usage object provides details about token consumption and timing. It also sends a request and either a response or an error to the chat's stream.
You can additionally retrieve the response and usage via the return values of sendMessage
final (response, usage) = await chat.sendMessage('Explain LLMs to me please');
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Switching models and settings #
This allows you to dynamically change the language model used in the chat session.
chat.switchModel(GroqModels.mixtral8_7b); //Also available during a running chat
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Accessing Rate Limit Information #
Provides information about the remaining API calls and tokens you can use within your current rate limit period.
final rateLimitInfo = chat.rateLimitInfo;
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Retrieving Resource Usage Information #
This gives you the token usage details (prompt tokens, completion tokens, total tokens) for the most recent response. It also gives you response times and prompt times
final latestUsage = chat.latestResponse.usage;
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Total Usage for the entire chat #
Calculates the cumulative token usage for all requests and responses within the current chat session.
final totalTokensUsed = chat.totalTokens;
print('Total tokens used in this chat: $totalTokensUsed');
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Audio Transcription #
Transcribe audio files using Groq's supported whisper-large-v3 model (or other available models). Replace './path/to/your/audio.mp3' with the actual path to your audio file.
final groq = Groq('YOUR_GROQ_API_KEY');

try {
final (transcriptionResult, rateLimitInformation) = await groq.transcribeAudio(
filePath: './path/to/your/audio.mp3', // Adjust file path as needed
print(transcriptionResult.text); // The transcribed text
} on GroqException catch (e) {
print('Error transcribing audio: $e');
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Content Moderation #
Easily check if a text is harmful using the isTextHarmful method. It analyzes the text and returns whether it's harmful, the harmful category, and usage details.
final (isHarmful, harmfulCategory, usage, rateLimit) = await groq.isTextHarmful(
text: 'YOUR_TEXT',

if (isHarmful) {
print('Harmful content detected: $harmfulCategory');
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Constants #
Instead of looking up the standard models, you can use the ids via provided constants in GroqModels:
const String mixtral8_7b = 'mixtral-8x7b-32768';
const String gemma_7b = 'gemma-7b-it';
const String llama3_8b = 'llama3-8b-8192';
const String llama3_70b = 'llama3-70b-8192';
const String whisper_large_v3 = 'whisper-large-v3';
static const String llama31_70b_versatile = 'llama-3.1-70b-versatile';
static const String llama31_8b_instant = 'llama-3.1-8b-instant';
static const String llama3_groq_70b_tool_use_preview =
static const String llama3_groq_8b_tool_use_preview =
static const String llama_guard_3_8b = 'llama-guard-3-8b';
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You can use these constants directly when starting a new chat or switching models:
final chat = groq.startNewChat(GroqModels.mixtral8_7b);
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Chat Settings #


The number of previous messages to include in the context for the model's response. Higher values provide more context-aware responses.

Controls the randomness of responses (0.0 - deterministic, 2.0 - very random).

Maximum number of tokens allowed in the generated response.

Controls the nucleus sampling probability mass (0.0 - narrow focus, 1.0 - consider all options).

Optional stop sequence(s) to terminate response generation.

Important Notes: #

Replace "YOUR_GROQ_API_KEY" with your actual Groq API key, obtained from the Groq Cloud console:
The Groq Cloud console is your central hub for managing API keys, exploring documentation, and accessing other Groq Cloud features:
Multiple choices in GroqResponses are not supported yet.


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.


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