
Creator: coderz1093

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hash cached image

Hash Cached Image #
hash_cached_image is a powerful Flutter package designed to streamline image loading, caching, and error handling within your Flutter applications. With support for blur hash placeholders, customizable widgets, and smooth animations, this package simplifies the process of displaying images from network URLs while maintaining a high-quality user experience.

Features #

Efficient Image Loading: Utilize CachedNetworkImageProvider for efficient image caching and loading.
Blur Hash Placeholders: Display blurred placeholders while images are loading for a seamless user experience.
Customizable Widgets: Customize placeholder and error widgets globally or per instance to match your app's design.
Smooth Animations: Add fade-in and fade-out animations to enhance image transitions.
High-Quality Filters: Choose from various image filter quality options to optimize visual appearance.

Installation #
To integrate hash_cached_image into your Flutter project, follow these steps:

Add the following line to your pubspec.yaml file:
hash_cached_image: ^1.0.0
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Run flutter pub get in your terminal to install the package.

Usage #
Basic Usage #
To use hash_cached_image in your Flutter project, follow these steps:

Add the package to your pubspec.yaml file:
hash_cached_image: ^1.0.0
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Import the package in your Dart code:
import 'package:hash_cached_image/hash_cached_image.dart';
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Use the HashCachedImage widget to display images with cached network loading and optional blur hash placeholders and error handling. Here's a basic example:
imageUrl: 'https://example.com/image.jpg',
hash: 'LEHV6nWB2yk8pyo0adR*.7kCMdnj',
height: 200,
width: 200,
placeholder: (context) => const CircularProgressIndicator(),
errorWidget: (context, error, stackTrace) => const Icon(Icons.error),
fit: BoxFit.cover,
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In this example, replace 'https://example.com/image.jpg' with the URL of the image you want to display. The hash parameter is optional and can be used for blur hash placeholders. You can customize the placeholder and error widgets, as well as other properties like height, width, and fit to suit your UI requirements.

Global Configuration #
You can set global placeholder and error widgets for your entire application:
import 'package:hash_cached_image/hash_cached_image.dart';

void main() {
globalPlaceholderWidget: (context) => const CircularProgressIndicator(),
globalErrorWidget: (context, error, stackTrace) => const Icon(Icons.error),
runApp(const MyApp());
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API Reference #
HashCachedImage Class #

Constructor Parameter

The URL of the image to display. (Required)

The blur hash string for the placeholder.

The curve for the fade-in animation.

The curve for the fade-out animation.

The duration of the fade-in animation.

The duration of the fade-out animation.

The duration of the placeholder fade-in animation.

The quality of image filtering.

The blend mode for the image color.

How the image should be repeated if it does not fill its bounds.

The height of the image.

The width of the image.

The builder for the placeholder widget.

The builder for the error widget.

The builder for customizing the image widget.

The color to blend with the image.

How to align the image within its bounds.

How the image should be inscribed into the given box.

Contributors #
We welcome contributions from the community to improve hash_cached_image. Here are the contributors who have helped enhance this package:

Raj Narola

License #
This project is licensed under the MIT License. See the LICENSE file for more details.

Feedback and Contributions #
We welcome feedback, bug reports, and contributions to improve hash_cached_image. Feel free to open an issue or submit a pull request on GitHub.

Support #
For support or inquiries, please contact us at raj.work68@gmail.com.

Acknowledgements #
We would like to thank the Flutter community and the developers of dependencies used in this package for their valuable contributions.
Thank you for using hash_cached_image! We hope it enhances your Flutter development experience.


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.


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