
Creator: coderz1093

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heart overlay

Heart Overlay Widget πŸ’– #
The HeartOverlay widget can be used to create a fun and interactive overlay that displays a heart animation when the user taps on the screen. It can be used as a decorative element for apps that require a playful or romantic touch, such as dating apps, greeting card apps, or social media apps.

A screen record will be provided soon
Features 🀩 #

Displays a heart-shaped icon overlaid on top of eachother when tapped in quick succession while shrinking and fading at the same time just like social media apps (i.e Tik tok, Instagram).πŸ’–
The displayed icon can be any widget and can be styled however you like.πŸ€—
The overlay background can be customized however you like.✏️

Getting started πŸ€— #
To use this package, add heart_overlay as a dependency in your file.
Then import
import 'package:heart_overlay/heart_overlay.dart';
copied to clipboard
Usage 🧐 #
Simple usage:
copied to clipboard
More customizability:
With Icon:
icon: Icon(
color: Colors.cyan,
size: 40,
controller: heartOverlayController, // [HeartOverlayController] - check out the example to see how it's used
verticalOffset: 10, // Vertical Offset from tap position
horizontalOffset: 10, // Horizontal Offset from tap position
duration: Duration(milliseconds: 800), // Icon to stay on screen duration
tapDownType: TapDownType.double, // The animation trigger type
cacheExtent: 10, // The cache extent
splashAnimationDetails: const SplashAnimationDetails(
enableSplash: true, // Enables a light weight splash animation to the icon provided
animationDuration: Duration(seconds: 3), // Animation duration of the splash icon
onPressed: (numberOfHearts) {
// Do something with the number of hearts shown or do something whenever the icon appears
child: Image.asset('assets/image.png'), // Overlay container background
copied to clipboard
or #
With any Widget:
icon: const Text('✌️'),
size: 60,
controller: heartOverlayController, // [HeartOverlayController] - check out the example to see how it's used
// It might be nesessary to add vertical and horizontal offset when using other types of widget instead of [Icon]s to accurately position the widgets
verticalOffset: 20, // Vertical Offset from tap position
horizontalOffset: -10, // Horizontal Offset from tap position
duration: Duration(milliseconds: 800), // Icon to stay on screen duration
tapDownType: TapDownType.single, // The animation trigger type
cacheExtent: 10, // The cache extent
onPressed: (numberOfHearts) {
// Do something with the number of hearts shown or do something whenever the icon appears
child: Image.asset('assets/image.png'), // Overlay container background
copied to clipboard

Check out the example for more detail.

Planning to add βž• #

Check out the CHANGELOG for next planned updates.

Common Errors and IssuesπŸ› #
Errors #
If you get errors like forces infinite height/forces infinite width
when used in a Column, Row or Flex widget:
Specify a desired height/width to the HeartOverlay widget.
Wrap the HeartOverlay in an Expanded/Flexible widget.
Note that: And if an Expanded/Flexible widget is used, height/width properites are basically useless.
Issues #
As of HeartOverlay Version: 1.2.0, Widget support is available as shown here, though you might have to fiddle with the vertical and horizontal offsets to precisely align the widget to its tap position.
As of HeartOverlay Version: 1.3.0, Splash support is available as shown here, though it can only support [Icon] types.
Additional information ℹ️ #
This package is available on GitHub and Pub.dev. πŸ“ƒ
If you encounter any issues or would like to contribute to the package, feel free to open a GitHub issue. Contributions are welcome and appreciated.πŸ™
Remember to leave a likeπŸ‘ here and a star⭐ on gihub to help expose useful packages like these to others and that would be much appreciated. Thank you! πŸ€—


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.


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