
Creator: coderz1093

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highlight #

Dart Syntax highlighting library.
If you are looking for Flutter widget, see flutter_highlight.
Usage #
import 'package:highlight/highlight.dart' show highlight;

main() {
var source = '''main() {
print("Hello, World!");

var result = highlight.parse(source, language: 'dart');
var html = result.toHtml();
print(html); // HTML string
copied to clipboard
Notice that all available languages are registered in the way above. For those desiring more control over what exactly they need, import highlight_core.dart instead and register languages manually:
import 'package:highlight/highlight_core.dart' show highlight;
import 'package:highlight/languages/dart.dart';

main() {
var source = '''main() {
print("Hello, World!");

highlight.registerLanguage('dart', dart);

var result = highlight.parse(source, language: 'dart');
var html = result.toHtml();
print(html); // HTML string
copied to clipboard
References #

All available languages

License #


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.

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