
Creator: coderz1093

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hsv color pickers

HSV Color Pickers #

Flutter package for creating customisable Color pickers for HSV Colors.
Hue Picker #
The HuePicker is used to let the user pick the hue of a HSVColor by selecting it on the slider.

The height of the slider is customizable.

The slider thumb is as well completely customizable.

Usage #
Using initialColor
initialColor: HSVColor.fromColor(Colors.green),
onChanged: (HSVColor color) {
// do something with color
copied to clipboard
Using controller
// create controller
_controller = HueController(HSVColor.fromColor(Colors.green));

// use controller in HuePicker
controller: _controller,
onChanged: (HSVColor color) {
// do something with color

// use controller to set the value of the HuePicker from outside the widget
_controller.value = HSVColor.fromColor(Colors.blue);
copied to clipboard
Customize #
Customize the slider's height using trackHeight:
trackHeight: 50,
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Customize the thumb by passing a thumbOverlayColor and a custom thumbShape:
thumbOverlayColor: Colors.green.withOpacity(0.3),
thumbShape: HueSliderThumbShape(
color: Colors.black,
strokeWidth: 8,
filled: false,
showBorder: true
copied to clipboard
HueSliderThumbShape offers the following properties for customisation:

radius: the radius of the thumb (double)
filled: whether the thumb should be filled or not (bool)
color: main color of the thumb
strokeWidth: stroke with for non-filled thumb (double)
showBorder: whether to show the border or not (bool)
borderColor: color of the border, if shown
borderWidth: stroke with of the border, if shown (double)

Coming soon... #

Saturation Picker
Brightness Picker

Contribute #
If you have any ideas for extending this package or have found a bug, please contribute!

You'll need a GitHub account.
Fork the hsv_color_pickers repository.
Work on your feature/bug.
Create a pull request.
Star this project. ⭐
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For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.

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