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http miracle mock
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http_miracle_mock #
Designed for Flutter unit testing, this library allows for easy mocking/intercepting of network requests and images within business logic.
Intercepting network requests in unit tests of Flutter projects is a common scenario. Existing frameworks include:
mockito: Not concise enough, requiring a large amount of code.
http_mock_adapter: Only supports the Dio library.
network_image_mock: Only supports image.
The purpose of this library is to solve the following problems:
Easy to use.
Compatible with mainstream networking frameworks, such as dio and http.
Deals only with network-related issues, such as common network requests and image resources.
Getting Started #
Adding Dependency #
http_miracle_mock: any
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Simple Usage #
Mocking a GET request:
void main() async {
final HttpMiracleMock httpMiracleMock = HttpMiracleMock();
final httpClient = HttpClient();
test('test getUrl', () async {
var url = '';
var data = "resultGetUrl";
var uri = Uri.parse(url);;
final request = await httpClient.getUrl(uri);
final response = await request.close();
var responseData = await response.transform(utf8.decoder).join();
expect(responseData, data);
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Mocking a image:
testWidgets('test image using url png', (WidgetTester tester) async {
var data = File(path.join(Utils.currentPath, 'test', 'assets', 'test.png'));
var url = '';;
await Utils.pumpWidgetWithImages(
children: [
width: 100,
height: 100,
await tester.pumpAndSettle();
await expectLater(
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First, initialize the HttpMiracleMock, then use to provide the information needed to intercept the network request, such as request URL and parameters, and then use reply to enter the result of the request.
For more usage examples, refer to here.
For simplicity, the library provides only the HttpMiracleMock object, which offers an open interface.
open #
The open method is primarily used to define the information for the request to be intercepted, with the following parameters:
url: Required, the request URL to intercept, can be passed in as a String, RegExp, or Uri.
method: Optional, the request method to intercept (GET/POST).
data: Optional, the request parameters.
dataTransform: Optional, for request parameter transformation, in case some requests cannot parse the parameters due to compatibility issues, this callback can be used for custom conversion.
The method, data,and dataTransform are optional parameters. In some cases, such as when the URL uses a regular expression, it may match multiple different requests in the project; these additional parameters can be used to differentiate and make the match more accurate.
This method returns a ResponseData.
reply #
body: Required, the data content to return.
statusCode: Optional, the status code to return.
headers: The header information to return.
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