
Creator: coderz1093

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http services

http_services #
A package to support the creation of Http services in a Dart application.
Features #

convenient methods to perform HTTP requests
disposing a service will cleanup any pending requests, in order to avoid unwanted resources waste!
convenient models to have a standard for request and response objects

RequestBase #
Every request should extend RequestBase and implement its overrides:

endpoint: Specify the path of the request
toJson: This method is used for the request's serialization
toData: This is an optional override in case you need to post a non JSON body. It returns an object of type T.

By default toData returns null
ResponseBase #
Every response should extend ResponseBase
Exceptions #
All the exceptions of this package extend HttpServiceException
ApiException: #
This is thrown when something is wrong with the request (e.g. missing internet, resource not found, etc).

networkError signals if there was an outage in connection
httpCode is the received HTTP status code
httpMessage is the received HTTP status message

UnexpectedStatusCodeException: #
This is thrown when expected HTTP code doesn't match the received one.

expected is the expected status code
actual is the received status code

ResponseMappingException: #
This is thrown when an error occurs while mapping the response.
RequestCanceledException: #
This is thrown when a request is canceled.
HttpServiceBase #
Every service should extend this.
To make a request within you service, you can use one of the following:

getQuery: perform a GET request
postData: perform a POST request
postJson: perform a POST request with a JSON body
putData: perform a PUT request
putJson: perform a PUT request with a JSON body
deleteData: perform a DELETE request
deleteJson: perform a DELETE request with a JSON body
patchData: perform a PATCH request
patchJson: perform a PATCH request with a JSON body
download: downloads a file
getBytes: gets bytes from an endpoint

Example #
import 'package:dio/dio.dart';
import 'package:http_services/http_services.dart';

import 'todos_service.dart';

class TodosRequest extends RequestBase {
final int page;

TodosRequest( : assert(page != null && page > 0);
String get endpoint => '/todos/$page';

Map<String, dynamic> toJson() {
return {};

class TodosResponse extends ResponseBase {
final int userId;
final int id;
final String title;
final bool completed;


factory TodosResponse.fromJson(Map<String, dynamic> json) => TodosResponse(
userId: json['userId'],
id: json['id'],
title: json['title'],
completed: json['completed'],

class TodosService extends HttpServiceBase {
TodosService(Dio dioInstance) : super(dioInstance);

Future<TodosResponse> getTodo(int page) {
final request = TodosRequest(page);

return getQuery(
request: request,
mapper: (json, _) => TodosResponse.fromJson(json),

void main() async {
final dio = Dio(
baseUrl: '',

final service = TodosService(dio);

try {
print("Requesting data...");
final response1 = await service.getTodo(1);
"user id: ${response1.userId}\n"
"id: ${}\n"
"title: ${response1.title}\n"
"completed: ${response1.completed}",
} on HttpServiceException catch (e) {
print('Service exception: ${e.runtimeType}');
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Notes #
There might be some cases where the JSON response is not like this:
"data": [{"name": "Bob"},{"name":"Alice"}],
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This will not be treated as a JSON since it's not a Map<String,dynamic> but it's a List<Map<String,dynamic>>.
A solution might be to use the orElse parameter when performing the HTTP request. Remember that orElse is executed to map any response body that's not Map<String,dynamic>.
Similarly, if you ever find yourself in need of sending a JSON like the one above, a solution might be to override the onData method of RequestBase in your request object and then using the *data version of the request.
For example:

class User{
final String name;

Map<String,dynamic> toJson() => {'name': name};

class UsersToSend extends RequestBase{
final List<User> users;

Map<String,dynamic> toJson() => {};

List<User> toData() => users;
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and then use postData instead of using postJson in your service.
Contributors 🚀 #

Debora Del Vecchio


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.


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