
Creator: coderz1093

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humanize duration

Humanize Duration #
Humanize a duration to a readable format.
inspired from humanizeDuration.js
Installation and usage #
Add package to your pubspec:
humanize_duration: any # or the latest version on Pub
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Usage #
By default, Humanize Duration will humanize down to the millisecond. It will humanize in English by default.
humanizeDuration(const Duration(milliseconds: 3000)); // '3 seconds'
humanizeDuration(const Duration(milliseconds: 97320000)); // '1 day, 3 hours, 2 minutes'
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Options and languages #
languages #
Supported languages: [Arabic, French, English, Spanish ...]
For a list of supported languages, you can use the getSupportedLanguages

getSupportedLanguages(); // [ar, en, fr, es, jp, gr, du, fa, ge, it, ko, pt, ru, tr, zh_cn, zh_tw]

const Duration(milliseconds: 97320000),
language: const ArLanguage(),
// ١ يوم , ٣ ساعات

// OR get language by alpha
const Duration(milliseconds: 97320000),
language: getLanguageByLocale('ar'),

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Add a custom language #
Firstly you need to implement HumanizeLanguage class.
import 'package:humanize_duration/humanize_duration.dart';

class EuLanguage implements HumanizeLanguage {
const EuLanguage();

String name() => 'eu';

String day(int value) => 'egun';

String hour(int value) => 'ordu';

String millisecond(int value) => 'milisegundo';

String minute(int value) => 'minutu';

String month(int value) => 'hilabete';

String second(int value) => 'segundo';

String week(int value) => 'aste';

String year(int value) => 'hilabete';

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delimiter #
String to display between the previous unit and the next value.
const Duration(milliseconds: 97320000),
options: const HumanizeOptions(delimiter: ' -- '),
); // 1 day -- 3 hours -- 2 minutes

const Duration(milliseconds: 22140000),
options: const HumanizeOptions(delimiter: ' and '),
); // 6 hours and 9 minutes

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spacer #
String to display between each value and unit.
const Duration(milliseconds: 22140000),
options: const HumanizeOptions(spacer: ' whole '),
); // 6 whole hours, 9 whole minutes

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units #
It can be one, or a combination of any, of the following.
Units.year, Units.month, Units.week,, Units.hour, Units.minute, Units.second, Units.millisecond.
const Duration(milliseconds: 3600000),
options: const HumanizeOptions(units: [Units.hour]),
); // 1 hour

const Duration(milliseconds: 3600000),
options: const HumanizeOptions(units: [Units.minute]),
); // 60 minutes

const Duration(milliseconds: 3600000),
options: const HumanizeOptions(units: [, Units.hour]),
); // 1 hour

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conjunction #
String to include before the final unit.
You can also set lastPrefixComma to false to eliminate the final comma.
const Duration(milliseconds: 22140000),
options: const HumanizeOptions(conjunction: ' and '),
); // 6 hours and 9 minutes

const Duration(milliseconds: 22141000),
options: const HumanizeOptions(conjunction: ' and '),
); // 6 hours, 9 minutes and 1 second

const Duration(milliseconds: 22141000),
options: const HumanizeOptions(
conjunction: ' and ',
lastPrefixComma: true,
); // 6 hours, 9 minutes, and 1 second

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