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hw introduction screen
HwIntroductionScreen #
Introduction screen allow you to have a screen at launcher for example, where you can explain your app.
This Widget is very customizable with a great design.
Installation #
You just need to add hw_introduction_screen as a dependency in your pubspec.yaml file.
hw_introduction_screen: ^0.0.1
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Example #
Simple intro screen
onFinish: (){
// do something
items: // this param is required
title: 'Introduction Title', // String
caption: 'Introduction Caption', // String
image: Image.asset('assets/images/image.jpg') // Widget
title: 'Introduction Title 2', // String
caption: 'Introduction Caption 2', // String
image: Image.asset('assets/images/image_2.jpg') // Widget
); //Material App
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Parameters of HwIntroductionScreen widget #
Many parameters can be used to customized Intro like you want !
This is all parameters you can add :
This param si required, that will be display (HwIntroductionItem), by adding items: [..] parameter.
Set a custom callback when done button is pressed, by adding onFinish: () {} parameter.
Set a custom finish button (Widget), by adding finishButton: Text('Done')
Set a color of finish button, by adding finishButtonColor: Color()
Set a custom skip button (Widget), by adding skipButton: Text('Done')
Set a color of skip button, by adding skipButtonColor: Color()
Set a custom next button (Widget), by adding skipButton: Text('Done')
Set a color of next button, by adding skipButtonColor: Color()
Set a color of active indicator, by adding indicatorActiveColor: Color()
Set a color of unactive indicator, by adding indicatorUnactiveColor: Color()
Parameters of HwIntroductionItem (each pages) #
You can also provide many parameter to customize each pages :
set title text, by adding title: "Introduction Title"
set a color of title, by adding titleColor: Color()
set a custom TextStyle of title, by adding titleTextStyle: TextStyle()
set caption text, by adding caption: "Introduction Captoin"
set a color of caption, by adding captionColor: Color()
set a custom TextStyle of caption, by adding captionTextStyle: TextStyle()
image: Image.asset(...) image of the page.
It's expecting a Widget, so if you want to pass a Video, Text, or anything else, you can.
For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.
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