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ibip39 #
Dart implementation of Bitcoin ibip39: Mnemonic code for generating deterministic keys
Convert from bitcoinjs/ibip39
Reminder for developers #
Please remember to allow recovery from mnemonic phrases that have invalid checksums (or that you don't have the wordlist)
When a checksum is invalid, warn the user that the phrase is not something generated by your app, and ask if they would like to use it anyway. This way, your app only needs to hold the wordlists for your supported languages, but you can recover phrases made by other apps in other languages.
However, there should be other checks in place, such as checking to make sure the user is inputting 12 words or more separated by a space.
Examples #
// Generate a random mnemonic (uses crypto.randomBytes under the hood), defaults to 128-bits of entropy
var mnemonic = ibip39.generateMnemonic()
// => 'seed sock milk update focus rotate barely fade car face mechanic mercy'
ibip39.mnemonicToSeedHex('basket actual')
// => String '5cf2d4a8b0355e90295bdfc565a022a409af063d5365bb57bf74d9528f494bfa4400f53d8349b80fdae44082d7f9541e1dba2b003bcfec9d0d53781ca676651f'
ibip39.mnemonicToSeed('basket actual')
// => Uint8List [92, 242, 212, 168, 176, 53, 94, 144, 41, 91, 223, 197, 101, 160, 34, 164, 9, 175, 6, 61, 83, 101, 187, 87, 191, 116, 217, 82, 143, 73, 75, 250, 68, 0, 245, 61, 131, 73, 184, 15, 218, 228, 64, 130, 215, 249, 84, 30, 29, 186, 43, 0, 59, 207, 236, 157, 13, 83, 120, 28, 166, 118, 101, 31]
// => true
ibip39.validateMnemonic('basket actual')
// => false
copied to clipboard
import 'package:ibip39/ibip39.dart' as ibip39;
main() {
// Only support ibip39 English word list
// uses HEX strings for entropy
String randomMnemonic = await ibip39.generateMnemonic();
String seed = ibip39.mnemonicToSeedHex("update elbow source spin squeeze horror world become oak assist bomb nuclear");
// => '77e6a9b1236d6b53eaa64e2727b5808a55ce09eb899e1938ed55ef5d4f8153170a2c8f4674eb94ce58be7b75922e48e6e56582d806253bd3d72f4b3d896738a4'
String mnemonic = await ibip39.entropyToMnemonic('00000000000000000000000000000000');
// => 'abandon abandon abandon abandon abandon abandon abandon abandon abandon abandon abandon about'
bool isValid = await ibip39.validateMnemonic(mnemonic);
// => true
isValid = await ibip39.validateMnemonic('basket actual');
// => false
String entropy = ibip39.mnemonicToEntropy(mnemonic)
// => String '00000000000000000000000000000000'
copied to clipboard
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