ik-geo 1.0.3

Creator: bradpython12

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ikgeo 1.0.3

This implementation of the core IK-Geo algorithms was adapted from IK-Geo. For details on the algorithms used, refer to the original source or to the paper "IK-Geo: Unified Robot Inverse Kinematics Using Subproblem Decomposition".
To install
This can be installed from pypi with:
pip install ik_geo

To install the package from this repository locally, use:
pip install .

To Use
Refer to examples/sample.py for a full code example.
To compute the IK solutions for a specific robot, you can either select one of the hardcoded robots available or provide your own kinematics. If you provide your own kinematics, you must do so as a Product of Exponentials (POE). This is either with 6 or 7 h vectors (rotation axes) and 7 or 8 p vectors (displacements), respectively. Note that 7-joint bots are not yet supported, so the user must choose one joint to fix to give 6 h vectors and 7 p vectors
Once you have your kinematics, you need to choose the correct decomposition strategy from: { "spherical_two_parallel", "spherical_two_intersecting", "spherical", "three_parallel_two_intersecting", "three_parallel", "two_parallel", "two_intersecting", "gen_six_dof" } to use. If you choose the wrong one, you will get wrong answers.
Once you have configured your IK solver, you can get a list of IK solutions by calling the desired ik function:
from ik_geo import Robot

h # 6x3 array
p # 7x3 array

robot = Robot.spherical_two_intersecting(h,p)

R = [[0, 0, 1], [0, 1, 0], [-1, 0, 0]]
t = [-1, 3, 0]

# For all possible solutions, as well as whether or not they are least squares
solutions = robot.get_ik(R, t)

# For all possible IK solutions sorted by error
solutions = robot.get_ik_sorted(R, t)

While this implementation can be used on a wide range of manipulators, it performs much better on when the solution can be found entirely analytically. The following table shows which method is used for each type of kinematics:

Solution Type
Robot Kinematic Family

Spherical joint
Franka Production 3, fixed q5

     and two intersecting axes
KUKA LBR iiwa 7 R800 , fixed q3

     and two parallel axes
ABB IRB 6640

Three parallel axes

     and two intersecting axes
Universal Robots UR5

     and two parallel axes

1D search
Two intersecting axes
Kassow Robots KR810, fixed q7

     and two intersecting axes

     and two parallel axes
Kawasaki KJ125

Two parallel axes

     and two parallel axes

Two intersecting axes k,k+2
ABB YuMi, fixed q3

     and two intersecting axes
RRC K-1207i, fixed q6

     and two parallel axes

2D search
General 6R
Kassow Robots KR810, fixed q6


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.

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