
Creator: coderz1093

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image painter extended

image painter extended #
This is a Flutter package that allows user to draw over images. This is an extension of the painter2 package with option to zoom and draw.
Features #
The widget supports:

Changing fore- and background color
Setting an image as background
Changing the thickness of path you draw
Exporting your painting as png
Undo/Redo drawing a path
Clear the whole drawing
Zoom and pan the image

Installation #
In your pubspec.yaml file within your Flutter Project:
image_painter_extended: any
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Then import it:
import 'package:image_painter_extended/image_painter_extended.dart';
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Use it #
In order to use this plugin, first create a controller and optionally a key:
GlobalKey<ImagePainterState> painterKey = GlobalKey<ImagePainterState>();
PainterController controller = PainterController();
controller.thickness = 5.0; // Set thickness of your brush. Defaults to 1.0
controller.backgroundColor =; // Background color is ignores if you set a background image
controller.backgroundImage =; // Sets a background image. You can load images as you would normally do: From an asset, from the network, from memory...
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That controller will handle all properties of your drawing space.
The key will be used to refresh state of the widget, in case you decide to programmatically pan and zoom the image.
Then, to display the painting area, create an inline ImagePainter widget and give it a reference to your previously created controller:
ImagePainter(controller,key: painterKey,)
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By exporting the painting as PNG, you will get an Uint8List object which represents the bytes of the png final file:
await controller.getPNGBytes();
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you can also get the path alone, without the image using the getPathBytes() function
The library does not handle saving the final image by itself.


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.


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