
Creator: coderz1093

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immutable device identifier

immutable_device_identifier #
It supply device identifier for iOS / Android device.
(That identifier does not change per installation)
Usage #
final uniqueId = ImmutableDeviceIdentifier().getUniqueId();
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iOS #
Swift code is as below.
By using UUID and Keychain, it assure the return value immutability per re-installation.
let key = "studio.creche.immutable_device_identifier/unique_id"

var uuid = try? self.keychain.get(key)
if (uuid ?? "").isEmpty {
uuid = UUID().uuidString
try? self.keychain.set(uuid ?? "", key: key)
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Android #
Kotlin code is as below.
By using MediaDrm, it assure the return value immutability per re-installation.
val uuid = UUID.fromString("edef8ba9-79d6-4ace-a3c8-27dcd51d21ed")
val id = MediaDrm(uuid).getPropertyByteArray(MediaDrm.PROPERTY_DEVICE_UNIQUE_ID)
val uniqueId = id.joinToString(":") { String.format("%02X", it) }
copied to clipboard


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