
Creator: coderz1093

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index generator

Index Generator #
Automatically generate index / barrel files with all the exports needed for your library.
Stable release #
There will be no more breaking changes
Usage #

Activate: dart/flutter pub global activate index_generator

Create index_generator.yaml file or add in your pubspec.yaml file:

- '**.g.dart'
# Define the paths of the folders in which to generate the index files
- path: lib
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You can generate index files with: <dart|flutter> pub global run index_generator

Advance Usage #
See more examples
# You can define the default name of the index file
default_name: barrel
# You can define general filters for all indexes
- '**.g.dart'
- '{_,**/_}*.dart'
- path: lib
# You can define specific filters for this index
# You can define specific export folders paths
- 'src/**'
# You can define specific export dart packages in index file.
- package: package:args/args.dart
- ArgResults
- ArgParser
- path: generator
# You can define the name of the index file
name: main
# Disable/Enable the generated code disclaimer
disclaimer: false
# Comments added on the generated file, like copyright
comments: |
Copyright (c) 2020 BreX900
# Documentation added on the generated file above the library name
docs: |
Automatically generate index / barrel / library files
with all the export needed for your library.
# You can define the name of the library to use within the index
library: index_generator
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path: Path in which to create the index file. All filters will get the relative path from this directory
name: Prioritize ownership in folders, otherwise it will use the one defined in the generator with default_name key.
If it is missing, if the folder is lib it will use the package name otherwise the folder name
library: The name of the library used in the index dart file by the library keyword
include | exclude: You can define filters that exclude or include files to be included in the index. The filters are passed paths relative to the
index file. You can use Glob expressions.
exports: You can define specific export dart packages in index file.
You can use package to export a dart file package or dart core library.

Command #
--help command output:
-s, --settings=<Define a yaml file path.> If not present use the "index_generator.yaml" file if it exists otherwise use the "pubspec.yaml" file.
-v, --[no-]verbose Print verbose logs
-h, --help
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Features and bugs #
Please file feature requests and bugs at the issue tracker.
Extra #

mek_assets: Automatically generate dart classes / flutter pubspec entries for your assets files.
mek_data_class: Generate hashCode, ==, toString, copyWith and change methods with low code.


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