
Creator: coderz1093

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input country

Input Country → Countries, Currencies and Languages #
This package provides data about countries, currencies and languages
plus a selection widget (dropdown box) for each of them.
All widgets extend [FormField]
so they can both be used standalone or within a [Form].
All widgets can display a flag for each selectable item and
on the selection itself.
Countries #
A Country is a plain Dart class providing:

alpha2 → ISO-3166 alpha-2 code
alpha3 → ISO-3166 alpha-3 code
num3 → ISO-3166 numerical code
predial → international phone pre-dial
language → official language in the country
currency → official currency in the country
localized country name
Country.values() → list of all countries

Currencies #
A Currency is a plain Dart class providing:

code - three uppercase characters according to ISO-4217
minor - number of digits for minor currency (e.g. Cents)
symbol - currency symbol (requires a UTF-8 font)

Languages #
A Language is a plain Dart class providing:

code - 2 lowercase characters according to ISO-639
country - ISO-3166 alpha-2 for the main country where this language is spoken
name - localized name of the language

Languages are managed with Dart Locales only using the language code
without the country modifier.
A special language with code xx
represents the current platform language.


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.


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