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integer #
Dart's native integers in custom bitwidth integer format. There are getters for int, to get the appropriate datatypes you need.
i2, i4, i8, i16, i32 and i64 are the standard signed integer datatypes and u1, u2, u4, u8, u16, u32, u63 are the standard unsigned integer datatypes exposed by this library. If you want to use a custom bit-width integer format, you can use the ix and ux datatypes.
All operations and functions can be seamlessly used with other integer types, and native int, double datatypes. Remember that all integer datatypes provided do not actually allocate different bit-widths in memory. This is due to the limitation of Dart's VM.
/// Use the constructor
/// or use getters
32423445435.i_32 // -1936292933
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Remember to enclose negative integer literals like -34644 or -89 in parenthesis to tell Dart that the getters should be called for the entire literal. Like this
(-98723447).u_16 // 39305
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Operations #
All operations are compatible with native int and are also compatible with all signed and unsigned integer datatypes.
u16 a = (-982342623).u_16;
print('Value of 16-bit unsigned integer a is $a');
print('Addition int: ${a + 862} double: ${a + 862.343}');
print('Subtraction int: ${a - 36} double: ${a - 36.909}');
print('Multiplication int: ${a * 6} double: ${a * 6.2345}');
print('Division int: ${a / 6} double: ${a / 6.2345}');
print('Euclidean Modulo int: ${a % 8} double: ${a % 8.923}');
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Bitshift operations only support integer and int values
print('Left Shift: ${a << 3}');
print('Right Shift: ${a >> 9}');
print('Triple Shift: ${a >>> 5}');
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If double values are used in operations of integer variables, the value is truncated after the operation.
Custom Bit-Width #
Provide a custom bit-width to convert the integer to that format using ix and ux datatypes
/// 22-bit Signed Integer
(-4567233343).iX(22) // 363713
/// 48-bit Unsigned Integer
(-4567233343).uX(48) // 281470409477313
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