
Creator: coderz1093

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intercom flutter plugin

intercom_flutter_plugin #
Flutter wrapper for Intercom Android and iOS projects. The Intercom SDK enables you to use the Intercom Messenger in your app, have conversations with your customers, send rich outbound messages, show your Help Center, and track events.

Uses Intercom Android SDK Version 15.1.3.
The minimum Android SDK minSdkVersion required is 21.
Uses Intercom iOS SDK Version 15.0.3.
The minimum iOS target version required is 13.

Usage #
Step 1 - Add references to Intercom #
If you’re new to Intercom, you’ll need to create an account and start your free trial.
Android #
You will need to include the READ_EXTERNAL_STORAGE permission if you have enabled image attachments:
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.READ_EXTERNAL_STORAGE"/>
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You can also include VIBRATE to enable vibration in push notifications:
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.VIBRATE"/>
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iOS #
Update Info.plist
Photo Library usage:
Add a "Privacy - Photo Library Usage Description" entry to your Info.plist.
This is required by Apple for all apps that access the photo library. It is necessary when installing Intercom due to the image upload functionality. Users will be prompted for the photo library permission only when they tap the image upload button.
Step 2 - Initialize Intercom #
First, you'll need to get your Intercom app ID and API key. Android API key is required if you want to use Intercom in Android. iOS API key is required if you want to use Intercom in iOS.
Flutter #
In your lib/main.dart file, import package:intercom_flutter_plugin/intercom_flutter_plugin.dart and use the methods in Intercom class. Then, initialize Intercom in your lib/main.dart file:
import 'package:flutter/material.dart';
import 'package:intercom_flutter_plugin/intercom_flutter_plugin.dart';

void main() async {
// initialize the flutter binding.
// initialize the Intercom.
// make sure to add keys from your Intercom workspace.
await Intercom.instance.initialize(
appId: 'appIdHere',
androidApiKey: 'androidKeyHere',
iosApiKey: 'iosKeyHere',
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Step 3 - Create an user and display messenger #
Finally, you’ll need to create a user, like this:
class App extends StatelessWidget {
const App({super.key});

Widget build(BuildContext context) {
return ElevatedButton(
child: Text('Open Intercom'),
onPressed: () async {
// messenger will load the messages only if the user is registered in Intercom.
await Intercom.instance.loginIdentifiedWithEmail(email: '');
await Intercom.instance.displayMessenger();
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Available methods:
Future<void> initialize({required String appId, String? androidApiKey, String? iosApiKey});
Stream<int> getUnreadStream();
Future<void> setUserHash(String userHash);
Future<void> loginIdentifiedWithUserId({required String userId, IntercomStatusCallback? statusCallback});
Future<void> loginIdentifiedWithEmail({required String email, IntercomStatusCallback? statusCallback});
Future<void> loginIdentifiedUser({required String userId, required String email, IntercomStatusCallback? statusCallback});
Future<void> loginUnidentifiedUser({IntercomStatusCallback? statusCallback});
Future<void> logout();
Future<void> setLauncherVisibility(IntercomVisibility visibility);
Future<int> unreadConversationCount();
Future<void> setInAppMessagesVisibility(IntercomVisibility visibility);
Future<void> displayMessenger();
Future<void> hideMessenger();
Future<void> displayHelpCenter();
Future<void> displayHelpCenterCollections(List<String> collectionIds);
Future<void> displayMessages();
Future<void> logEvent(String name, [Map<String, Object?>? metaData]);
Future<void> sendTokenToIntercom(String token);
Future<void> handlePushMessage();
Future<void> displayMessageComposer(String message);
Future<bool> isIntercomPush(Map<String, String> message);
Future<void> handlePush(Map<String, String> message);
Future<void> setBottomPadding(int padding);
Future<void> displayArticle(String articleId);
Future<void> displayCarousel(String carouselId);
Future<void> displaySurvey(String surveyId);
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That’s it - now you’ve got a working Intercom app. However, you’ll need to register your users before you can talk to them and track their activity in your app.
For more details, see Intercom for Android or Intercom for iOS.
Example of using Intercom for Flutter #
For your convenience, we have also added example of working project. Feel free to review it in our repository.


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.


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