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ios smooth page indicator
IosSmoothPageIndicator #
IosSmoothPageIndicator is a customizable and easy-to-use page indicator widget designed to replicate the smooth and stylish page indicators commonly seen in iOS applications. This widget is built for Flutter and provides a modern and flexible solution for managing page indicators in your Flutter apps.
Features #
Customizable Appearance: Easily modify the dot color, active dot color, dot size, spacing, and background color to fit your app’s design.
Haptic Feedback Support: Optionally enable haptic feedback when the user interacts with the dots, providing a more tactile user experience.
Smooth Animation: The widget provides a smooth animation effect for transitioning between pages, enhancing the overall UX.
Page Controller Integration: Seamlessly integrates with Flutter's PageController to update the page indicator as the user scrolls.
Dot Tap Support: Users can tap on any dot to navigate directly to the corresponding page.
Lightweight and Efficient: Designed to be lightweight, ensuring minimal impact on app performance.
Usage #
currentIndex: _currentIndex,
totalDots: _totalDots,
dotColor: Colors.grey,
dotBackgroundColor: Colors.grey.withOpacity(0.1),
dotWidth: 8.0,
dotHeight: 8.0,
dotSpacing: 12.0,
onDotTapped: (index) {
// Handle dot tap
pageController: _pageController,
enableHapticFeedback: true,
Customization Options
currentIndex: The current active page index.
totalDots: Total number of pages (dots) to display.
dotColor: The color of inactive dots.
activeDotColor: The color of the active dot.
dotBackgroundColor: Background color surrounding the dots (defaults to a subtle grey with opacity).
dotWidth and dotHeight: Dimensions of the dots.
dotSpacing: Space between each dot.
onDotTapped: Callback when a dot is tapped, providing the tapped index.
onPageChanged: Optional callback when the page changes, providing the new page index.
pageController: The PageController that controls the associated page view.
enableHapticFeedback: Option to enable or disable haptic feedback on dot tap.
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Add the following to your pubspec.yaml:
ios_smooth_page_indicator: ^1.1.4
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Then, run flutter pub get to install the package.
This package is distributed under the MIT License. See the LICENSE file for more details.
For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.
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