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is valid

IsValid #

The IsValid Package provides various methods for validating different types of data in Dart. Each method performs specific validation based on the input provided.
To use the IsValid in your Flutter project, follow these steps: #
Step 1: Import the IsValid class
import 'package:is_valid/is_valid.dart';
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Step 2: Perform Validations
bool isValidEmail = IsValid.validateEmail('');
bool isValidPhoneNumber = IsValid.validatePhoneNumber('1234567890');
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Available Validation Methods #
validateEmail #
The validateEmail function checks whether the provided input matches a valid email address format.

email (String): The email address string to be validated.


true if the email matches the standard email address format; otherwise, false.

String emailAddress = '';

if (validateEmail(emailAddress)) {
print('Email address is valid.');
} else {
print('Invalid email address format.');
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validatePhoneNumber #
Validates a phone number based on the provided country code.

phoneNumber: The phone number to be validated.
countryCode: An enumerated type representing the country code.

bool isValidPhoneNumber = YourClassName.validatePhoneNumber(
phoneNumber: '+1234567890',
countryCode: CountryCode.US, // Use the appropriate country code enum value
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Password Validation #
The validatePassword function checks the validity of a password based on specified validation options.

password (String): The password to be validated.
options (Map<PasswordValidation, dynamic>): A map containing validation rules for the password.
Available option:
PasswordValidation.minLength: Minimum length for the password.
PasswordValidation.maxLength: Maximum length for the password.
PasswordValidation.disallowLetters: Disallow letters in the password.
PasswordValidation.disallowNumbers: Disallow numbers in the password.
PasswordValidation.disallowSpecialChars: Disallow special characters in the password.

String userPassword = 'SecurePwd123';

Map<PasswordValidation, dynamic> validationOptions = {
PasswordValidation.minLength: 8,
PasswordValidation.disallowSpecialChars: false,
PasswordValidation.disallowNumbers: false,
PasswordValidation.disallowLetters: false,

if (validatePassword(userPassword, validationOptions)) {
print('Password is valid.');
} else {
print('Password is invalid.');
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ID Number Validator #
This function, validateIDNumber, is designed to validate identification numbers based on country-specific patterns. It accepts an ID number string along with a CountryCode and an optional IDType, checking the provided ID against predefined regular expression patterns associated with specific countries.

idNumber (String): The ID number to be validated.
countryCode (CountryCode enum): The country code enum representing the country associated with the ID number.
idType (IDType enum, optional): Specifies the type of ID (default value is IDType.ID).

String idNumber = '1234567890'; // Sample ID number
CountryCode countryCode = CountryCode.Af; // Sample country code

bool isValid = validateIDNumber(idNumber, countryCode);

if (isValid) {
print('The ID number is valid.');
} else {
print('The ID number is invalid.');
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URL Validator #
The validateURL function is designed to check the format of a URL string using a basic regular expression pattern. It ensures that the provided URL matches a standard URL format.

url (String): The URL string to be validated.

String url = ''; // Sample URL

bool isValidURL = validateURL(url: url);

if (isValidURL) {
print('The URL is valid.');
} else {
print('The URL is invalid.');
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Date Validator #
The validateDate function is designed to validate date inputs in various formats, checking against a specified mask or as a DateTime object.

date (dynamic): The date value to be validated. It can be a DateTime object or a string representing a date.
mask (String): (Optional) A string specifying the format of the date string. Defaults to 'yyyy-MM-dd'.

// Sample date and mask
dynamic date1 =;
String date2 = '2023-12-31';
String mask = 'yyyy-MM-dd';

bool isValidDate1 = validateDate(date1);
bool isValidDate2 = validateDate(date2, mask);

if (isValidDate1) {
print('Date 1 is a valid DateTime object.');
} else {
print('Date 1 is invalid.');

if (isValidDate2) {
print('Date 2 is a valid date according to the mask.');
} else {
print('Date 2 is invalid or does not match the specified mask.');
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Card Type Detector #
The detectCardType function is used to identify the type of credit card based on the provided card number's initial digits.

cardNumber (String): The credit card number whose type needs to be detected.

String cardNumber = '4532764251581234';

CardType type = detectCardType(cardNumber);

switch (type) {
case CardType.Visa:
print('Visa card detected.');
case CardType.MasterCard:
print('MasterCard detected.');
case CardType.AmericanExpress:
print('American Express card detected.');
case CardType.Discover:
print('Discover card detected.');
case CardType.Other:
print('Other card type detected.');
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Credit Card Validation #
The validateCreditCard function implements the Luhn algorithm to validate credit card numbers.

cardNumber (String): The credit card number to be validated.

String cardNumber = '4532764251581234';

if (validateCreditCard(cardNumber)) {
print('Credit card number is valid.');
} else {
print('Credit card number is invalid.');
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IPv4 Address Validation #
The validateIP4Address function is used to validate IPv4 addresses.

ipAddress (String): The IPv4 address to be validated.

String ipAddress = '';

if (validateIP4Address(ipAddress)) {
print('IPv4 address is valid.');
} else {
print('IPv4 address is invalid.');
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IPv6 Address Validation #
The validateIP6Address function is used to validate IPv6 addresses.

ipAddress (String): The IPv6 address to be validated.

String ipAddress = '2001:0db8:85a3:0000:0000:8a2e:0370:7334';

if (validateIPv6Address(ipAddress)) {
print('IPv6 address is valid.');
} else {
print('IPv6 address is invalid.');
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Postal Code Validation #
The validatePostalCode function checks the validity of a postal code based on specified validation options.

postalCode (String): The postal code to be validated.
option (PostalCodeValidation): An enum representing the type of postal code validation to perform.
customRegex (String, optional): A custom regular expression to use for validation when the option is set to PostalCodeValidation.Custom.

Available Options:

PostalCodeValidation.USZipCode: Validates US ZIP codes.
PostalCodeValidation.UKPostalCode: Validates UK postal codes.
PostalCodeValidation.Custom: Allows custom validation using a provided regular expression.

String userPostalCode = '94107';

if (validatePostalCode(
userPostalCode, option: PostalCodeValidation.USZipCode)) {
print('Postal code is valid.');
} else {
print('Postal code is invalid.');
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Numeric Range Validation #
The validateNumericRange function checks if a given value falls within a specified numeric range.

value (int): The value to be validated.
min (int): The minimum value allowed in the range (inclusive).
max (int): The maximum value allowed in the range (inclusive).


true if the value falls within the specified range, otherwise false.

int userValue = 25;
int minValue = 10;
int maxValue = 50;

if (validateNumericRange(value: userValue, min: minValue, max: maxValue)) {
print('Value is within the specified range.');
} else {
print('Value is outside the specified range.');
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Social Media Handle Validation #
The validateSocialMediaHandle function checks the validity of a social media handle.

handle (String): The social media handle to be validated.


true if the handle matches the specified format, otherwise false.

String userHandle = '@my_social_handle';

if (validateSocialMediaHandle(handle: userHandle)) {
print('Social media handle is valid.');
} else {
print('Invalid social media handle format.');
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File Extension Validation #
The validateFileExtension function validates the file extension of a given filename.

filename (String): The name of the file to validate.
validExtensions (Set


true if the file extension is among the specified validExtensions, otherwise false.

String userFile = 'document.pdf';

if (validateFileExtension(userFile)) {
print('File extension is valid.');
} else {
print('Invalid file extension.');
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Bank Account Number Validation #
The validateBankAccountNumber function checks the validity of a bank account number based on specified length and optional pattern.

accountNumber (String): The bank account number to be validated.
minLength (int, optional): The minimum allowed length for the account number. Defaults to 8.
maxLength (int, optional): The maximum allowed length for the account number. Defaults to 20.
regExpPattern (String, optional): A custom regular expression pattern to use for additional validation.


true if the accountNumber satisfies the length constraints and, if provided, matches the specified regular expression pattern; otherwise, false.

String userAccountNumber = '1234567890';

if (validateBankAccountNumber(userAccountNumber)) {
print('Bank account number is valid.');
} else {
print('Bank account number is invalid.');
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Hexadecimal Color Code Validation #
The validateHexColorCode function checks whether a provided string represents a valid hexadecimal color code.

colorCode (String): The color code string to be validated.


true if the colorCode represents a valid hexadecimal color code; otherwise, false.

String userColorCode = '#1a2b3c';

if (validateHexColorCode(colorCode: userColorCode)) {
print('Hex color code is valid.');
} else {
print('Hex color code is invalid.');
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VIN Validation #
The validateVIN function checks whether a provided string conforms to the standard VIN (Vehicle Identification Number) length.

vin (String): The VIN string to be validated.
vinLength (int): The expected length of the VIN.


true if the vin string matches the expected vinLength; otherwise, false.

String userVIN = 'ABC123XYZ456DEF78';

if (validateVIN(vin: userVIN, vinLength: 17)) {
print('Valid VIN.');
} else {
print('Invalid VIN.');
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ISBN Validation #
The validateISBN function validates whether a provided string adheres to the ISBN (International Standard Book Number) format.

isbn (String): The ISBN string to be validated.


true if the isbn string matches the ISBN format (10 or 13 digits); otherwise, false.

String userISBN = '9780141036144'; // Replace with user's ISBN

if (validateISBN(userISBN)) {
print('Valid ISBN.');
} else {
print('Invalid ISBN.');
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MAC Address Validation #
The validateMACAddress function checks if a provided string adheres to the valid MAC address format (XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX).

macAddress (String): The MAC address string to be validated.


true if the macAddress string represents a valid MAC address; otherwise, false.

String userMAC = '00:1A:2B:3C:4D:5E'; // Replace with user's MAC address

if (validateMACAddress(userMAC)) {
print('Valid MAC address.');
} else {
print('Invalid MAC address.');
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Coordinates Validation #
The validateCoordinates function validates a string to determine if it represents valid geographical coordinates.

coordinates (String): The string to be validated as coordinates.


true if the coordinates string represents valid geographical coordinates; otherwise, false.

String userCoordinates = '37.7749'; // Replace with user's coordinates

if (validateCoordinates(userCoordinates)) {
print('Valid coordinates.');
} else {
print('Invalid coordinates.');
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IMEI Number Validation #
The validateIMEINumber function verifies whether a given string matches the IMEI format (15 digits).

imei (String): The string to be validated as an IMEI number.


true if the imei string matches the IMEI format (15 digits); otherwise, false.

String userIMEI = '123456789012345'; // Replace with user's IMEI number

if (validateIMEINumber(userIMEI)) {
print('Valid IMEI number.');
} else {
print('Invalid IMEI number.');
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Custom Data Format Validation #
The validateCustomDataFormat function checks whether a provided string matches a custom pattern specified by the user.

data (String): The data string to be validated.
pattern (String): The custom regular expression pattern to match against the data.


true if the data string matches the provided pattern; otherwise, false.

String userData = 'CustomData123'; // Replace with user's data
String userPattern = r'^[A-Za-z0-9]+$'; // Replace with user's custom pattern

if (validateCustomDataFormat(userData, userPattern)) {
print('Data format is valid.');
} else {
print('Data format is invalid.');
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Currency Code Validation #
The validateCurrencyCode function validates whether a provided string matches a valid currency code based on ISO 4217.

currencyCode (String): The currency code string to be validated.


true if the currencyCode matches a valid currency code; otherwise, false.

String userCurrencyCode = 'USD';

if (validateCurrencyCode(userCurrencyCode)) {
print('Currency code is valid.');
} else {
print('Currency code is invalid.');
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Time Validation #
The validateTime function checks if a given string represents a valid time according to the specified format.

time (String): The time string to be validated.
format (TimeFormat): An enum representing various time formats.


true if the time matches the specified format; otherwise, false.

String userTime = '13:45';

if (validateTime(userTime, format: TimeFormat.HH_MM_24)) {
print('Time is valid.');
} else {
print('Time is invalid.');
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HTML Input Validation #
The validateHTMLInput function checks if an input string contains HTML tags.

htmlInput (String): The input string to be validated.


true if the htmlInput doesn't contain HTML tags; otherwise, false.

String userInput = '<p>Hello!</p>';

if (validateHTMLInput(userInput)) {
print('Input does not contain HTML tags.');
} else {
print('Input contains HTML tags.');
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Domain Name Validation #
The validateDomainName function verifies whether the given input string matches a valid domain name format.

domain (String): The domain name string to be validated.


true if the domain matches a valid domain name format; otherwise, false.

String userDomain = '';

if (validateDomainName(userDomain)) {
print('Domain name is valid.');
} else {
print('Invalid domain name format.');
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Social Security Number (SSN) Validation #
The validateSSN function checks if the provided input matches a valid Social Security Number format (###-##-####).

ssn (String): The SSN string to be validated.


true if the ssn matches a valid SSN format; otherwise, false.

String userSSN = '123-45-6789';

if (validateSSN(userSSN)) {
print('SSN is valid.');
} else {
print('Invalid SSN format.');
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Twitter Hashtag Validation #
The validateTwitterHashtag function verifies whether the given input matches a valid Twitter hashtag format (# followed by alphanumeric characters).

hashtag (String): The hashtag string to be validated.


true if the hashtag matches a valid Twitter hashtag format; otherwise, false.

String userHashtag = '#MyHashtag';

if (validateTwitterHashtag(userHashtag)) {
print('Hashtag is valid.');
} else {
print('Invalid hashtag format.');
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JSON Data Validation #
The validateJSONData function checks if the provided input is in valid JSON format.

jsonData (String): The JSON data string to be validated.


true if the jsonData is in valid JSON format; otherwise, false.

String userJSONData = '{"name": "John", "age": 30}';

if (validateJSONData(userJSONData)) {
print('Valid JSON data.');
} else {
print('Invalid JSON format.');
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Binary Data Validation #
The validateBinaryData function verifies whether the given input contains only binary data (0s and 1s).

binaryData (String): The binary data string to be validated.


true if the binaryData contains only 0s and 1s; otherwise, false.

String binaryInput = '101010101';

if (validateBinaryData(binaryInput)) {
print('Binary data is valid.');
} else {
print('Invalid binary data format.');
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User Input Length Validation #
The validateUserInputLength function checks if the length of the provided input falls within a specified range.

userInput (String): The user input string to be validated.
minLength (int): The minimum length allowed for the input.
maxLength (int): The maximum length allowed for the input.


true if the length of userInput falls within the specified range; otherwise, false.

String input = 'example';

if (validateUserInputLength(input, 5, 10)) {
print('Input length is within the specified range.');
} else {
print('Input length is not within the specified range.');
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URL Parameters Validation #
The validateURLParameters function checks if the provided input contains valid URL query parameters.

url (String): The URL string to be validated.


true if the url contains valid URL query parameters; otherwise, false.

String urlString = '';

if (validateURLParameters(urlString)) {
print('URL parameters are valid.');
} else {
print('Invalid URL parameters.');
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Medical Code Validation #
The validateMedicalCode function validates whether the input matches a specific medical code format (e.g., ICD-10).

code (String): The medical code string to be validated.


true if the code matches the specified medical code format; otherwise, false.

String medicalCode = 'A23';

if (validateMedicalCode(medicalCode)) {
print('Medical code is valid.');
} else {
print('Invalid medical code format.');
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DNA Sequence Data Validation #
The validateDNASequence function checks if the provided input contains only valid DNA nucleotides (A, T, C, G).

sequence (String): The DNA sequence string to be validated.


true if the sequence contains only valid DNA nucleotides; otherwise, false.

String dnaSequence = 'ATGCTA';

if (validateDNASequence(dnaSequence)) {
print('DNA sequence is valid.');
} else {
print('Invalid DNA sequence format.');
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MD5 Checksum Validation #
The validateChecksumMD5 function checks whether the provided input matches the MD5 hash format.

checksum (String): The checksum string to be validated.


true if the checksum matches the MD5 hash format; otherwise, false.

String md5Checksum = '5d41402abc4b2a76b9719d911017c592';

if (validateChecksumMD5(md5Checksum)) {
print('MD5 checksum is valid.');
} else {
print('Invalid MD5 checksum format.');
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SHA Checksum Validation #
The validateChecksumSHA function verifies whether the provided input matches the SHA hash format.

checksum (String): The checksum string to be validated.


true if the checksum matches the SHA hash format; otherwise, false.

String shaChecksum = '2ef7bde608ce5404e97d5f042f95f89f1c232871';

if (validateChecksumSHA(shaChecksum)) {
print('SHA checksum is valid.');
} else {
print('Invalid SHA checksum format.');
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MIME Type Validation #
The validateMIMEType function checks if the provided input matches a valid MIME type format.

mimeType (String): The MIME type string to be validated.


true if the mimeType matches a valid MIME type format; otherwise, false.

String mimeType = 'application/json';

if (validateMIMEType(mimeType)) {
print('MIME type is valid.');
} else {
print('Invalid MIME type format.');
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Language Code Validation #
The validateLanguageCode function verifies whether the provided input matches a valid language code format (ISO 639-1).

languageCode (String): The language code string to be validated.


true if the languageCode matches a valid language code format; otherwise, false.

String languageCode = 'en';

if (validateLanguageCode(languageCode)) {
print('Language code is valid.');
} else {
print('Invalid language code format.');
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Barcode Validation #
The validateBarcode function checks if the provided input matches a valid barcode format (e.g., UPC or QR codes).

barcode (String): The barcode string to be validated.


true if the barcode matches a valid barcode format; otherwise, false.

String barcode = '012345678912';

if (validateBarcode(barcode)) {
print('Barcode is valid.');
} else {
print('Invalid barcode format.');
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UUID Validation #
The validateUUID function validates whether the provided input matches the UUID format.

uuid (String): The UUID string to be validated.


true if the uuid matches the UUID format; otherwise, false.

String uuid = '550e8400-e29b-41d4-a716-446655440000';

if (validateUUID(uuid)) {
print('UUID is valid.');
} else {
print('Invalid UUID format.');
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validateJobTitle #
The validateJobTitle function validates whether the provided input adheres to a valid job title format.

jobTitle (String): The job title string to be validated.


true if the jobTitle contains only alphanumeric characters and spaces; otherwise, false.

String jobTitle = 'Software Engineer';

if (validateJobTitle(jobTitle)) {
print('Job title is valid.');
} else {
print('Invalid job title format.');
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validateHTMLColor #
The validateHTMLColor function validates whether the provided input matches a valid HTML color code format.

color (String): The HTML color code string to be validated.


true if the color matches the HTML color code format; otherwise, false.

String color = '#FFA500';

if (validateHTMLColor(color)) {
print('HTML color is valid.');
} else {
print('Invalid HTML color code format.');
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validatePostalAddress #
The validatePostalAddress function validates whether the provided input matches a valid postal address format.

address (String): The postal address string to be validated.


true if the address matches the valid postal address format; otherwise, false.

String address = '123 Main St, City, Country';

if (validatePostalAddress(address)) {
print('Postal address is valid.');
} else {
print('Invalid postal address format.');
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validateRegexPattern #
The validateRegexPattern function validates whether the provided input matches a custom regex pattern.

input (String): The input string to be validated.
pattern (String): The custom regex pattern to match against the input.


true if the input matches the provided pattern; otherwise, false.

String input = '';
String pattern = r'^[a-zA-Z0-9._%+-]+@[a-zA-Z0-9.-]+\.[a-zA-Z]{2,}$';

if (validateRegexPattern(input, pattern)) {
print('Input matches the custom regex pattern.');
} else {
print('Input does not match the custom regex pattern.');
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validateEncryptionKey #
The validateEncryptionKey function validates whether the provided input matches a valid encryption key format.

key (String): The encryption key string to be validated.


true if the key length is either 16 or 32 characters; otherwise, false.

String key = 'abcdefghijklmnop';

if (validateEncryptionKey(key)) {
print('Encryption key is valid.');
} else {
print('Invalid encryption key format.');
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validateFinancialCode #
The validateFinancialCode function validates whether the provided input matches a valid financial transaction code format (e.g., SWIFT, IBAN).

code (String): The financial transaction code string to be validated.


true if the code length is between 8 and 34 characters; otherwise, false.

String financialCode = 'SWIFT1234';

if (validateFinancialCode(financialCode)) {
print('Financial code is valid.');
} else {
print('Invalid financial code format.');
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validateTwitterHandle #
The validateTwitterHandle function validates whether the provided input matches a valid Twitter handle format.

handle (String): The Twitter handle string to be validated.


true if the handle starts with '@' and contains only alphanumeric characters and underscores; otherwise, false.

String twitterHandle = '@example_user';

if (validateTwitterHandle(twitterHandle)) {
print('Twitter handle is valid.');
} else {
print('Invalid Twitter handle format.');
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validateQuery #
The validateQuery function validates whether the provided input contains valid database query syntax.

query (String): The database query string to be validated.


true if the query contains only alphanumeric characters, spaces, and common SQL syntax characters (e.g., ,, ;, *); otherwise, false.

String databaseQuery = 'SELECT * FROM table';

if (validateQuery(databaseQuery)) {
print('Database query is valid.');
} else {
print('Invalid database query syntax.');
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validateSemanticVersioning #
The validateSemanticVersioning function validates whether the provided input matches a valid semantic version format (X.Y.Z).

version (String): The semantic version string to be validated.


true if the version matches the X.Y.Z format; otherwise, false.

String semVersion = '1.2.3';

if (validateSemanticVersioning(semVersion)) {
print('Semantic version is valid.');
} else {
print('Invalid semantic version format.');
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validateTemperatureUnit #
The validateTemperatureUnit function validates whether the provided input matches a valid temperature unit.

unit (String): The temperature unit string to be validated.
allowCustomUnit (bool): Flag indicating whether custom units are allowed (default is false).


true if the unit is either 'celsius' or 'fahrenheit' (or a custom unit if allowCustomUnit is true); otherwise, false.

String temperatureUnit = 'celsius';

if (validateTemperatureUnit(temperatureUnit, allowCustomUnit: true)) {
print('Temperature unit is valid.');
} else {
print('Invalid temperature unit.');
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validateBooleanValue #
The validateBooleanValue function validates whether the provided input is a valid boolean value ('true' or 'false').

value (String): The boolean value string to be validated.


true if the value is 'true' or 'false' (case insensitive); otherwise, false.

String booleanValue = 'True';

if (validateBooleanValue(booleanValue)) {
print('Boolean value is valid.');
} else {
print('Invalid boolean value.');
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Feel free to use these methods according to your validation requirements!
Contributors #


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.


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