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jazzcash flutter

Installing #
1. Depend on it #
Add this to your package's pubspec.yaml file:
jazzcash_flutter: <Latest Version>
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2. Install it #
You can install packages from the command line:
with pub:
$ pub get
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with Flutter:
$ flutter pub get
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3. Import it #
Now in your Dart code, you can use:
import 'package:jazzcash_flutter/jazzcash_flutter.dart';
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Usage #
jazzcash_flutter is a payment gateway integration package for flutter that initiates the payment process with jazzcash wallet and debit card.
Start it like:
Future _payViaJazzCash(ProductModel element, BuildContext c) async {
// print("clicked on Product ${element.name}");

try {
JazzCashFlutter jazzCashFlutter = JazzCashFlutter(
merchantId: "Your Merchant Id",
merchantPassword: "Your Merchant Password",
integritySalt: "Your Integrity Salt here",
isSandbox: true,

DateTime date = DateTime.now();

JazzCashPaymentDataModelV1 paymentDataModelV1 = JazzCashPaymentDataModelV1(
ppAmount: '${element.price}',
ppDescription: 'Product details ${element.name} - ${element.price}',
ppMerchantID: "Your Merchant Password",
ppPassword: "Your Merchant Password",
ppReturnURL: "Your Return Url",);

jazzCashFlutter.startPayment(paymentDataModelV1: paymentDataModelV1, context: context).then((_response) {
_checkIfPaymentSuccessfull(_response, element, context).then((res) {
// res is the response you returned from your return url;
return res;

setState(() {});
} catch (err) {
print("Error in payment $err");
message: "Error in payment $err",
return false;
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