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kaidoku 1.0.1
Kaidoku can solve sudoku puzzles as shown in the figure, play with the puzzles and create sudoku puzzles with a command-line interface.
Kaidoku is a
player of sudoku. You can play original sudoku puzzles of various level of difficulty with command line interface. You can get hints when you want.
solver of sudoku. It can solve a sudoku puzzle and show the procedure of solving a sudoku puzzle with various logics. It evaluates if a given puzzle is valid sudoku with unique solution.
creater of sudoku. It can create new sudoku puzzles. The puzzles shipped with this program was created by the program itself.
Online player
25000 sudoku puzzles classified with 9 difficulty levels are available online. Hints can be shown by running kaidoku with pyodide.
Full document
Document is availabe in English and Japanese.
Supported logics
Naked single, pair, triple and quad
Hidden single, pair, triple and quad
Pointing pair and triple
X-wing family (Swordfish and Jellyfish)
XY-wing and XYZ-wing
Remote pairs
Chain of pairs
Trial and search
For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.
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