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kailobeewelldashboard 0.3.4
kailo-beewell-dashboard: tools to support creation of #BeeWell survey dashboards for the Kailo project.
This package contains functions that are used in the creation of the various #BeeWell survey dashboards for Kailo. They have been compiled into a single package to prevent code duplication between the different repositories.
Package on PyPI:
Package documentation:
Functions used to generate and aggregate synthetic data
Functions used in creation of the streamlit dashboards and equivalent PDF report
How to install?
pip install kailo-beewell-dashboard
If you use this package, please include the following citation
Heather, Amy. Clelland, Annalise. and Goddard, Ellen. (2024). kailo-beewell-dashboard: tools to support creation of #BeeWell survey dashboards for the Kailo project (0.3.4).
author = {Heather, Amy. Clelland, Annalise. and Goddard, Ellen.},
title = {kailo-beewell-dashboard},
date = {2024-04-25},
version = {0.3.4},
publisher = {PyPI},
url = {}
For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.
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