
Creator: coderz1093

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lecle social share

lecle_social_share #
A Flutter project support share file to social media (Facebook, Instagram, etc.). If you only want to share files on certain platforms,
this plugin is made for you.
Current supported platform:


There are static instances in LecleSocialShare class represent for:

F: Facebook
I: Instagram
M: Messenger
T: Telegram
W: WhatsApp
TW: Twitter
TI: TikTok

Simply use LecleSocialShare class and call the instance of which platform you want to share
then call the corresponding method from the instance
Android #
Paste the following attribute in the manifest tag in the AndroidManifest.xml

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For example:

<manifest xmlns:android="http://schemas.android.com/apk/res/android"
package="your package...">
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Add these permissions and queries to your AndroidManifest.xml

<!-- Explicit apps you know in advance about: -->
<package android:name="com.instagram.android" />
<package android:name="com.facebook.katana" />
<package android:name="com.facebook.orca" />
<package android:name="org.telegram.messenger" />
<package android:name="com.whatsapp" />
<package android:name="com.twitter.android" />
<package android:name="com.zhiliaoapp.musically" />
<package android:name="com.ss.android.ugc.trill" />

<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.READ_EXTERNAL_STORAGE" />
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE" />
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.MANAGE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE" />
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.INTERNET" />
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Create xml folder and add a provider path file to it (for example: provider_paths_app.xml) in android/app/src/main/res and
add the lines below to the created xml file
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
path="." />
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After created your own file provider and define your own path paste them into this and add to your AndroidManifest.xml

<provider android:name="androidx.core.content.FileProvider"
android:exported="false" android:grantUriPermissions="true">
<meta-data android:name="android.support.FILE_PROVIDER_PATHS" android:resource="@xml/[your_custom_fileProvider_file_name]" />
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Facebook app register #

In /android/app/src/main/values folder create a strings.xml file and add your facebook app id and facebook client token.
To get the facebook client token: Open your app on Meta for developer (link) > Settings > Advanced > Security >
Application code
To get the facebook app id follow the Meta link above and go to your app Settings > Basic information > App ID

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<string name="facebook_app_id">[facebook_app_id]</string>
<string name="facebook_client_token">[facebook_client_token]</string>
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After complete the step above add these xml tags to your AndroidManifest.xml
To create the custom facebook theme: In android/app/src/main/res/values define your custom theme and
add to the [your_custom_theme] in the activity below
Custom theme example:

<style name="com_facebook_activity_theme" parent="@style/Theme.AppCompat.NoActionBar">
<item name="android:windowIsTranslucent">true</item>
<item name="android:windowBackground">@android:color/transparent</item>
<item name="android:windowNoTitle">true</item>

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<provider android:name="com.facebook.FacebookContentProvider" android:authorities="com.facebook.app.FacebookContentProvider[your_facebook_app_id]"
android:exported="true" />

<meta-data android:name="com.facebook.sdk.ApplicationId" android:value="@string/facebook_app_id" />
<meta-data android:name="com.facebook.sdk.ClientToken" android:value="@string/facebook_client_token" />

<activity android:name="com.facebook.FacebookActivity"
android:theme="@style/[your_custom_theme]" />

<activity android:name="com.facebook.CustomTabMainActivity" />
<activity android:name="com.facebook.CustomTabActivity" android:exported="true" tools:node="merge">
<action android:name="android.intent.action.VIEW" />
<category android:name="android.intent.category.DEFAULT" />
<category android:name="android.intent.category.BROWSABLE" />
<data android:scheme="fbconnect" android:host="cct.${applicationId}" />
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iOS #
Open Xcode and change your deployment target to iOS 11
Add these lines to your Info.plist file




<string>$(PRODUCT_NAME) needs permission to access photos and videos on your device</string>
<string>$(PRODUCT_NAME) does not require access to the microphone.</string>
<string>$(PRODUCT_NAME) requires access to the camera.</string>
<string>$(PRODUCT_NAME) requires access to play music</string>



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The facebook app id and facebook client token you can get by complete the steps mentioned on Android config
Update your AppDelegate.swift the same as the below example
import UIKit
import Flutter

// Add these lines
import FBSDKCoreKit
import TikTokOpenSDK

@objc class AppDelegate: FlutterAppDelegate {
override func application(
_ application: UIApplication,
didFinishLaunchingWithOptions launchOptions: [UIApplication.LaunchOptionsKey: Any]?
) -> Bool {
GeneratedPluginRegistrant.register(with: self)

// Add these lines
didFinishLaunchingWithOptions: launchOptions
TikTokOpenSDKApplicationDelegate.sharedInstance().application(application, didFinishLaunchingWithOptions: launchOptions)

return super.application(application, didFinishLaunchingWithOptions: launchOptions)

// Add this method
override func application(_ app: UIApplication, open url: URL, options: [UIApplication.OpenURLOptionsKey : Any] = [:]) -> Bool {
guard let sourceApplication = options[UIApplication.OpenURLOptionsKey.sourceApplication] as? String,
let annotation = options[UIApplication.OpenURLOptionsKey.annotation] else {
return false

if TikTokOpenSDKApplicationDelegate.sharedInstance().application(app, open: url, sourceApplication: sourceApplication, annotation: annotation) {
return true
return false

// Add this method
override func application(_ application: UIApplication, open url: URL, sourceApplication: String?, annotation: Any) -> Bool {
if TikTokOpenSDKApplicationDelegate.sharedInstance().application(application, open: url, sourceApplication: sourceApplication, annotation: annotation) {
return true
return false

// Add this method
override func application(_ application: UIApplication, handleOpen url: URL) -> Bool {
if TikTokOpenSDKApplicationDelegate.sharedInstance().application(application, open: url, sourceApplication: nil, annotation: "") {
return true
return false

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Update your AppDelegate.swift file to register TikTok from the instruction of step 4 in TikTok's document
Twitter app register #

To get the Twitter app consumer key and secret key you can follow the instruction in this
Stackoverflow link

TikTok app register #

To register a TikTok app for development, you can go to TikTok for developers page and create one.
After create an app on TikTok for developers page you can get the client key and the client secret of the app to
register and use the TikTok share features of the plugin.
For the project config you can follow the step 3 and step 4 in
this TikTok's document. However, we have integrated
the step 3 and step 4 in the AppDelegate.swift file and the Info.plist file above,
if you need to find some more information you can check them again in this document.

Facebook features #
Working on both platform #

Future<dynamic> shareFileToFacebook();
Future<dynamic> shareFeedContentToFacebook();
Future<dynamic> shareLinkContentToFacebook();
Future<dynamic> shareMediaContentFileToFacebook();
Future<dynamic> shareBackgroundAssetFileToFacebookStory();
Future<dynamic> shareStickerAssetToFacebookStory();
Future<dynamic> shareVideoToFacebookReels();
Future<dynamic> shareCameraEffectToFacebook();

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Features for Android platform #

Future<dynamic> shareBitmapImageBackgroundAssetToFacebookStory();
Future<dynamic> shareImageBackgroundAssetContentToFacebookStory();
Future<dynamic> shareVideoBackgroundAssetContentToFacebookStory();

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Features for iOS platform #

Future<dynamic> shareBackgroundImageAndStickerToFacebookStoryiOS();

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Instagram features #
Working on both platform #

Future<dynamic> shareFileToInstagram();
Future<dynamic> sendMessageToInstagram();

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Messsenger features #
Working on both platform #

Future<dynamic> shareFileToMessenger();
Future<dynamic> sendMessageToMessenger();
Future<dynamic> shareLinkContentToMessenger();

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Telegram features #
Working on both platform #

Future<dynamic> sendMessageToTelegram();
Future<dynamic> openTelegramDirectMessage();
Future<dynamic> openTelegramChannelViaShareLink();
Future<dynamic> shareFileToTelegram();

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WhatsApp features #
Working on both platform #

Future<dynamic> shareFileToWhatsApp();
Future<dynamic> sendMessageToWhatsApp();

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Twitter features #
Working on both platform #

Future<dynamic> createTwitterTweet();
Future<dynamic> shareFileToTwitter();

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TikTok features #
Working on both platform #

Future<dynamic> shareFilesToTikTok();
Future<dynamic> openTikTokUserPage();
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Example #
Facebook #

Future<dynamic> shareFileToFacebook()

onPressed: () async {
var video =
await _picker.pickImage(source: ImageSource.gallery);

if (video != null) {
filePath: video.path,
dstPath: 'your_custom_save_folder',
fileProviderPath: 'your_custom_fileProvider_path',
fileType: AssetType.image,
child: const Text('Share file to facebook'),

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Future<dynamic> shareFeedContentToFacebook()

onPressed: () {
link: "https://pub.dev",
linkName: "pub",
hashtag: "flutter_pub",
child: const Text('Share feed content to facebook'),

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Future<dynamic> shareLinkContentToFacebook()

onPressed: () {
contentUrl: "https://pub.dev",
child: const Text('Share link content to facebook'),

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Future<dynamic> shareMediaContentFileToFacebook()

onPressed: () async {
imageUrls = (await _picker.pickMultiImage())?.map((image) => image.path).toList();
videoUrls = (await _pickFile(FileType.video, allowMultiple: true))?.paths;

imageUrls: imageUrls,
videoUrls: videoUrls,
fileProviderPath: 'your_custom_fileProvider_path',
child: const Text('Share media content file to facebook'),

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Future<dynamic> shareCameraEffectToFacebook()

onPressed: () async {
var texture =
await _picker.pickImage(source: ImageSource.gallery);

if (texture != null) {
cameraEffectTextures: CameraEffectTextures(
textureKey: 'texture_key',
textureUrl: texture.path,
cameraEffectArguments: const CameraEffectArguments(
argumentKey: 'argument_key',
argumentValue: 'argument_value',
argumentList: ['argument_value'],
hashtag: '#helloworld',
contentUrl: 'https://pub.dev',
child: const Text('Share camera effect to facebook'),
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Future<dynamic> shareBackgroundAssetFileToFacebookStory()

onPressed: () async {
var image = await _picker.pickVideo(source: ImageSource.gallery);

appId: 'your_facebook_app_id',
filePath: image?.path,
fileProviderPath: 'your_custom_fileProvider_path',
fileType: AssetType.video,
child: const Text(
'Share background asset file to facebook story',

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Future<dynamic> shareStickerAssetToFacebookStory()

onPressed: () async {
var image = await _picker.pickImage(source: ImageSource.gallery);
appId: 'your_facebook_app_id',
stickerPath: image?.path,
fileProviderPath: 'your_custom_fileProvider_path',
child: const Text('Share sticker background asset to facebook story'),

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Future<dynamic> shareBitmapImageBackgroundAssetToFacebookStory()

// ShareStoryContent class in Facebook SDK is not working for now, you can use
// Future<dynamic> shareImageBackgroundAssetToFacebookStory() or Future<dynamic> shareStickerAssetToFacebookStory()
// methods instead.
visible: Platform.isAndroid,
child: ElevatedButton(
onPressed: () async {
var image = await _picker.pickImage(source: ImageSource.gallery);
imagePath: image?.path,
fileProviderPath: 'your_custom_fileProvider_path',
child: const Text('Share bitmap image background asset to facebook story'),

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Future<dynamic> shareImageBackgroundAssetContentToFacebookStory()

// ShareStoryContent class in Facebook SDK is not working for now, you can use
// Future<dynamic> shareImageBackgroundAssetToFacebookStory() or Future<dynamic> shareStickerAssetToFacebookStory()
// methods instead.
visible: Platform.isAndroid,
child: ElevatedButton(
onPressed: () async {
var image = await _picker.pickImage(source: ImageSource.gallery);
photoBackgroundAssetPath: image?.path,
fileProviderPath: 'your_custom_fileProvider_path',
child: const Text('Share photo background asset to facebook story'),

copied to clipboard

Future<dynamic> shareVideoBackgroundAssetContentToFacebookStory()

// ShareStoryContent class in Facebook SDK is not working for now, you can use
// Future<dynamic> shareVideoBackgroundAssetToFacebookStory() method instead.
visible: Platform.isAndroid,
child: ElevatedButton(
onPressed: () async {
var video = await _picker.pickVideo(source: ImageSource.gallery);
videoBackgroundAssetPath: video?.path,
fileProviderPath: 'your_custom_fileProvider_path',
child: const Text('Share video background asset to facebook story'),

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Future<dynamic> shareVideoToFacebookReels()

onPressed: () async {
var sticker = await _picker.pickImage(source: ImageSource.gallery);
var video = await _pickFile(FileType.video);

filePath: video?.paths[0],
fileProviderPath: 'your_custom_fileProvider_path',
appId: 'your_facebook_app_id',
stickerPath: sticker?.path,
child: const Text('Share video asset (and sticker on Android) to facebook reels'),

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Future<dynamic> shareBackgroundImageAndStickerToFacebookStoryiOS()

visible: Platform.isIOS,
child: ElevatedButton(
onPressed: () async {
var images = await _picker.pickMultiImage();
var stickers = await _picker.pickMultiImage();

photoBackgroundAssetPaths: images?.map((image) => image.path).toList(),
stickerAssetPaths: stickers?.map((image) => image.path).toList(),
appId: 'your_facebook_app_id',
child: const Text('Share background image and sticker asset to facebook story iOS'),

copied to clipboard
Instagram #

Future<dynamic> shareFileToInstagram()

onPressed: () async {
var video = await _picker.pickImage(source: ImageSource.gallery);

if (video != null) {
filePath: video.path,
fileProviderPath: 'your_custom_fileProvider_path',
fileType: AssetType.image,
child: const Text('Share file to instagram'),

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Future<dynamic> sendMessageToInstagram()

onPressed: () async {
message: 'Hello world',
child: const Text('Send message to instagram'),
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Messenger #

Future<dynamic> shareFileToMessenger()

onPressed: () async {
var video = await _picker.pickVideo(source: ImageSource.gallery);

filePath: video?.path,
fileProviderPath: 'your_custom_fileProvider_path',
fileType: AssetType.video,
hashtag: '#helloworld',
contentUrl: 'https://pub.dev',
child: const Text('Share file to messenger'),
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Future<dynamic> sendMessageToMessenger()

onPressed: () async {
message: 'https://pub.dev',
quote: 'Hello world',
hashtag: '#hello',
child: const Text('Send message to messenger'),
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Future<dynamic> shareLinkContentToMessenger()

onPressed: () async {
contentUrl: 'https://pub.dev',
quote: 'Hello world',
hashtag: '#hello',
child: const Text('Share link content to messenger'),
copied to clipboard
Telegram #

Future<dynamic> sendMessageToTelegram()

onPressed: () async {
message: 'Hello world',
child: const Text('Send message to Telegram'),
copied to clipboard

Future<dynamic> openTelegramDirectMessage()

onPressed: () async {
username: 'user_name',
child: const Text('Open Telegram direct message'),
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Future<dynamic> openTelegramChannelViaShareLink()

onPressed: () async {
inviteLink: 'your_invite_link',
child: const Text('Open Telegram group via invite link'),
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Future<dynamic> shareFileToTelegram()

onPressed: () async {
var video = await _picker.pickVideo(source: ImageSource.gallery);

filePath: video?.path,
fileProviderPath: 'your_custom_fileProvider_path',
fileType: AssetType.any,
message: 'Hello world',
child: const Text('Share file to Telegram'),

onPressed: () async {
var image = await _picker.pickImage(source: ImageSource.gallery);

filePath: image?.path,
fileProviderPath: 'your_custom_fileProvider_path',
fileType: AssetType.any,
message: 'Hello world',
child: const Text('Share file to Telegram'),
copied to clipboard
WhatsApp #

Future<dynamic> shareFileToWhatsApp()

onPressed: () async {
var file = await _pickFile(FileType.any);

filePath: file?.paths[0],
fileType: AssetType.pdf,
fileProviderPath: 'your_custom_fileProvider_path',
message: 'Hello world',
child: const Text('Share file to WhatsApp'),

copied to clipboard

Future<dynamic> sendMessageToWhatsApp()

onPressed: () async {
message: 'https://pub.dev',
phoneNumber: "receiver_phone_number",
child: const Text('Send message to WhatsApp'),

copied to clipboard
Twitter #

Future<dynamic> createTwitterTweet()

onPressed: () async {
title: 'Hello world',
attachedUrl: "https://pub.dev",
hashtags: [
via: 'abc',
related: ['twitter', 'twitterapi'],
child: const Text('Create Twitter tweet'),

copied to clipboard

Future<dynamic> shareFileToTwitter()

onPressed: () async {
var file = await _picker.pickImage(source: ImageSource.gallery);

filePath: file?.path,
fileProviderPath: 'your_custom_fileProvider_path',
fileType: AssetType.image,
iOSConsumerKey: 'abc',
iOSSecretKey: 'xyz',
title: "Hello world",
child: const Text('Share file to Twitter'),

copied to clipboard
TikTok #

Future<dynamic> shareFilesToTikTok()

onPressed: () async {
var res = await _picker.pickMultiImage();

fileUrls: res?.map((e) => e.path).toList(),
fileType: AssetType.image,
fileProviderPath: 'your_custom_fileProvider_path',
child: const Text('Share files to TikTok'),
copied to clipboard

Future<dynamic> openTikTokUserPage()

onPressed: () async {
username: 'username',
child: const Text('Open TikTok user page'),
copied to clipboard


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.

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