
Creator: coderz1093

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lecle volume flutter

lecle_volume_flutter #
A Flutter plugin to control volume in Android and iOS devices programmatically. Migrate from volume package.
Streams (Works with Android OS only) #
AudioManager.streamVoiceCall -> Controll IN CALL Volume
AudioManager.streamSystem -> Controll SYSTEM Volume
AudioManager.streamRing -> Controll RINGER Volume
AudioManager.streamMusic -> Controll MEDIA Volume
AudioManager.streamAlarm -> Controll ALARM Volume
AudioManager.streamNotification -> Controll NOTIFICATION Volume
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Functions and getters #
Volume Buttons will affect this volume when in app #

await Volume.initAudioStream(AudioManager audioManager); // Pass any stream as parameter

Returns maximum possible volume in integers #

await Volume.getMaxVol; // Return an integer on Android and double on iOS

Returns current volume level in integers #

await Volume.getVol; // Return an integer on Android and double on iOS

Set volume for the stream passed to controlVolume() function #

await Volume.setVol({int androidVol = 0, double iOSVol = 0.0, bool showVolumeUI = true});

Max value of i is less than or equal to Volume.getMaxVol.

Usage #
class _MyAppState extends State<MyApp> {
dynamic maxVol, currentVol; // Value will be int type on Android device and double type on iOS device

void initState() {
audioManager = AudioManager.streamSystem;

Future<void> initAudioStreamType() async {
await Volume.initAudioStream(AudioManager.streamSystem);

void updateVolumes() async {
// get Max Volume
maxVol = await Volume.getMaxVol;
// get Current Volume
currentVol = await Volume.getVol;
setState(() {});

void setVol({int androidVol = 0, double iOSVol = 0.0, bool showVolumeUI = true}) async {
await Volume.setVol(
androidVol: androidVol,
iOSVol: iOSVol,
showVolumeUI: showVolumeUI,

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