
Creator: coderz1093

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ledger cardano plus


A Flutter Ledger App Plugin for the Cardano blockchain

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· Ledger Cardano Plus

Overview #
Ledger Nano devices are the perfect hardware wallets for managing your crypto & NFTs on the go.
This Flutter package is a plugin for the ledger_flutter_plus package to get accounts and sign transactions using the Cardano blockchain.
Getting started #
Installation #
Install the latest version of this package via pub.dev:
ledger_cardano_plus: ^latest-version
ledger_flutter_plus: ^latest-version
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For integration with the Ledger Flutter Plus package, check out the documentation here.
Setup and Usage #
Get an instance of an CardanoLedger and then use it to scan and connect to devices.
final CardanoLedger cardanoLedgerConnector = CardanoLedger.ble(
onPermissionRequest: (status) async {
// if ([AvailabilityState.unsupported].contains(status)) {
// return false;
// }

// this is using permission_handler package
Map<Permission, PermissionStatus> statuses = await [

return statuses.values.where((status) => status.isDenied).isEmpty;

// final CardanoLedger cardanoLedgerConnector = CardanoLedger.usb();

final devicesStream = cardanoLedgerConnector.scanForDevices();

// Best is to actually listen to the stream and then allow the user to select
// the wanted ledger device
final firstLedgerDevice = await devicesStream.first;

final cardanoApp = cardanoLedgerConnector.connect(firstLedgerDevice);

// To derive receive address
final receiveAddress = await cardanoApp.deriveReceiveAddress(
addressIndex: addressIndex,
network: CardanoNetwork.mainnet(),
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For moe in depth sample including device selection dialog, check out the example project in this repo
Sponsors #
Our top sponsors are shown below!

Project Catalyst

Contributing #
Contributions are what make the open source community such an amazing place to learn, inspire, and create. Any contributions you make are greatly appreciated.
If you have a suggestion that would make this better, please fork the repo and create a pull request. You can also simply open an issue with the tag enhancement.

Fork the Project
Create your Feature Branch (git checkout -b feature/my-feature)
Commit your Changes (git commit -m 'feat: my new feature)
Push to the Branch (git push origin feature/my-feature)
Open a Pull Request

Please read our Contributing guidelines and try to follow Conventional Commits.
Running Integration Tests #
To run the integration tests for the ledger-cardano-plus SDK, follow these steps:

Set Up Your Environment:

Ensure that you have Flutter installed on your machine. You can download it from Flutter's official site.

Clone the Repository:

If you haven't already, clone the ledger-cardano-plus repository from GitHub:

git clone https://github.com/vespr-wallet/ledger-cardano-plus.git
cd ledger-cardano-plus
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Navigate to the Integration Tests Directory:

Change to the directory containing the integration tests:

cd example/integration_test
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Run the Tests:

Use the following Flutter command to execute all the integration tests:

cd example
flutter test integration_test/*_tests.dart
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To run a specific integration test file, provide the path to the test file:

cd example
flutter test integration_test/cardano_ledger_serial_version_tests.dart
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To run a specific test case within a test file, use the -n flag followed by the test name:

cd example
flutter test integration_test/cardano_ledger_serial_version_tests.dart -n "Should correctly get the serial number of the device"
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Make sure your development environment is properly set up to communicate with the Ledger device, and that the device is connected and unlocked before running the tests.

License #
The ledger_cardano_plus SDK is released under the MIT License (MIT). See LICENSE for details.


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.


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