
Creator: coderz1093

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lemmatizerx #
Lemmatizer for text in English. Inspired by Python's nltk.corpus.reader.wordnet.morphy.
Installing #
In your pubspec.yaml:
lemmatizerx: ^0.0.3
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How To Use #
import 'package:lemmatizerx/lemmatizerx.dart';

Lemmatizer lemmatizer = Lemmatizer();

// Lookup single lemma

Lemma lemma = lemmatizer.lemma('books', POS.NOUN);
print(lemma.pos); // POS.NOUN
print(lemma.form); // books
print(lemma.lemmas); // [book]
print(lemma); // POS.NOUN books [book]

lemma = lemmatizer.lemma('loveliest', POS.ADJ);
print(lemma.pos); // POS.ADJ
print(lemma.form); // loveliest
print(lemma.lemmas); // [lovely]
print(lemma); // POS.ADJ loveliest [lovely]

// Lookup single lemma and fail

lemma = lemmatizer.lemma('wordDoesNotExist', POS.NOUN);
print(lemma.lemmasFound); // false
print(lemma.lemmasNotFound); // true

// Lookup multiple lemmas

List<Lemma> lemmas = lemmatizer.lemmas('meeting');

print(lemmas); // [POS.NOUN meeting [meeting], POS.VERB meeting [meet]]

Lemma noun = lemmas.firstWhere((lemma) => lemma.pos == POS.NOUN);
Lemma verb = lemmas.firstWhere((lemma) => lemma.pos == POS.VERB);

print(noun.lemmas); // [meeting]
print(verb.lemmas); // [meet]
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Powershell #
> .\bin\lemma.ps1 meeting

[POS.NOUN meeting [meeting], POS.VERB meeting [meet]]
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Command line #
dart pub global activate lemmatizerx
dart pub global deactivate lemmatizerx
> lemma meeting

[POS.NOUN trees [tree], POS.VERB trees [tree]]
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Bugs and Requests #
If you encounter any problems feel free to open an issue. If you feel the library is missing a feature, please raise a ticket on Github and I'll look into it. Pull request are also welcome.
Inspirations and Sources #
Lemmatizer: The original package
Stopwords (use their lemma-data, later?)
License #
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.


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