
Creator: coderz1093

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lite agent core dart

LiteAgent core for dart #
English · 中文
LLM AI Agent multi sessions service.
Features #

Support pure text agent without JSON Spec.
Support OpenAPI/OpenRPC/OpenModbus/OpenTool JSON Spec.
Support LLM Function calling to HTTP API/json-rpc 2.0 over HTTP/Modbus and more custom tools.

Usage #
Prepare #

Some OpenSpec json file, according to /example/json/open*/*.json, which is callable.
Run your tool server, which is described in json file.
Add .env file in the example folder, and add below content in the .env file:
baseUrl = # LLM API BaseURL
apiKey = sk-xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx # LLM API ApiKey
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Use below method to run agent service.

Method 1(Recommend): AgentService #

According to /example/agent_service_example.dart
Support multi agent session via session id.
Support multi task in the same agent, identify different tasks by taskId. After finishing task, task message could be added to session as new task context.

Future<void> main() async {
CapabilityDto capabilityDto = CapabilityDto(
llmConfig: _buildLLMConfig(), // LLM Config
systemPrompt: _buildSystemPrompt(), // System Prompt
openSpecList: await _buildOpenSpecList() // OpenSpec Description String List
SessionDto sessionDto = await agentService.initChat(
listen // Subscribe AgentMessage, Agent chat with User/Client/LLM/Tools Role
); // Get Session Id

String prompt = "<USER PROMPT, e.g. call any one tool>";
UserTaskDto userTaskDto = UserTaskDto(taskId: "<Identify different tasks, NOT more than 36 chars>", contentList: [UserMessageDto(type: UserMessageDtoType.text, message: prompt)]); // User Content List, support type text/imageUrl
await agentService.startChat(, userTaskDto);
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MultiAgent support

Future<void> main() async {
SessionDto sessionDto1 = await _buildTextAgent();
SessionDto sessionDto2 = await _buildToolAgent();

CapabilityDto capabilityDto = CapabilityDto(llmConfig: llmConfig, systemPrompt: systemPrompt,
sessionList: [sessionDto1, sessionDto2]

SessionDto sessionDto = await agentService.initChat(capabilityDto, listen);

UserTaskDto userTaskDto = UserTaskDto(contentList: [UserMessageDto(type: UserMessageDtoType.text, message: prompt)]);
await agentService.startChat(, userTaskDto);
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Method 2: ToolAgent #

According to /example/tool_agent_example.dart
Pure native calling. Support single session.
Method 1 AgentService is friendly encapsulation for this.

Future<void> main() async {
ToolAgent toolAgent = ToolAgent(
llmRunner: _buildLLMRunner(),
session: _buildSession(),
toolRunnerList: await _buildToolRunnerList(),
systemPrompt: _buildSystemPrompt()
String prompt = "<USER PROMPT, e.g. call any one tool>";
toolAgent.userToAgent(taskId: "<Identify different tasks, NOT more than 36 chars>", [Content(type: ContentType.text, message: prompt)]);
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Future<void> main() async {
ToolAgent toolAgent = ToolAgent(
llmRunner: _buildLLMRunner(),
session: _buildSession(),
toolRunnerList: await _buildToolRunnerList(),
systemPrompt: _buildSystemPrompt()
String prompt = "<USER PROMPT, e.g. call any one tool>";
toolAgent.userToAgent(taskId: "<Identify different tasks, NOT more than 36 chars>", contentList: [Content(type: ContentType.text, message: prompt)]);
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