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littlefstools 1.1.5
Tools create, view and extract littleFS filesystem images.
Though distributed as a python module, these tools are intended to be executed as a command-line tool. Consequently, the code is written into a single python file without classes. The Invocation commands are provided below.
Attribution: littlefs_tools are built on top of littlefs-python. To use littlefs functionality within your python code, please use littlefs-python directly.
pip install littlefs_tools
Tool to create a littleFS filesystem binary image. This tool recursively packages the contents of a source directory into a littlefs image.
usage: littlefs_create [-h] [-b BLOCKSIZE] [-c BLOCKCOUNT] [-i IMAGE] [-v] -s SOURCE
Tool to generate lfs images from a source folder
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-b BLOCKSIZE, --block_size BLOCKSIZE
block size of the LFS image (defaults to 4096)
block Count of the LFS image (defaults to 64)
-i IMAGE, --image IMAGE
image file name
-o OFFSET, --offset OFFSET
offset (in bytes) from which the littlefs image starts(defaults to 0). Hex values are supported (e.g. 0x80000)
-v, --verbose Verbose
required arguments:
-s SOURCE, --source SOURCE
source path
Tool to list contents of a littleFS filesystem image as a tree.
usage: littlefs_list [-h] [-b BLOCKSIZE] [-c BLOCKCOUNT] [-o OFFSET] [-v] -i IMAGE
Tool to list files in a littlefs file image
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-b BLOCKSIZE, --block_size BLOCKSIZE
block size of the LFS image (defaults to 4096)
block Count of the LFS image (defaults to 64)
-o OFFSET, --offset OFFSET
offset (in bytes) from which the littlefs image starts(defaults to 0). Hex values are supported (e.g. 0x80000)
-v, --verbose Verbose
required arguments:
-i IMAGE, --image IMAGE
image file name
Tool to extract contents of a littleFS filesystem image to a destination folder.
usage: littlefs_extract [-h] [-b BLOCKSIZE] [-c BLOCKCOUNT] [-f] [-o OFFSET] [-v] -i IMAGE -d DESTINATION
Tool to extract files from a littlefs file image
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-b BLOCKSIZE, --block_size BLOCKSIZE
block size of the LFS image (defaults to 4096)
block Count of the LFS image (defaults to 64)
-f, --force Force extract even if destination folder is not empty
-o OFFSET, --offset OFFSET
offset (in bytes) from which the littlefs image starts(defaults to 0). Hex values are supported (e.g. 0x80000)
-v, --verbose Verbose
required arguments:
-i IMAGE, --image IMAGE
image file name
destination directory to extract the contents into
Building the package locally
Make sure that you have setuptools and wheel installed:
The tools package can be built locally using the following command:
python bdist_wheel --universal
And then installed with
pip install dist/littlefs_tools-1.0.0-py2.py3-none-any.whl --force
Note: The wheel package must match the version of the package. The version of the package is determined by the version of the package in the file.
Source distribution is created with the following command:
python sdist
littlefs-tools | ലിറ്റിലെഫ്എസ്-ഉപകരണങ്ങൾ
For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.
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