logscan 0.5.1

Creator: bradpython12

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logscan 0.5.1

logscan is a command-line-tool to get time-specific access to logfiles.
It can handle rotated and gzipped logfiles or reads from stdin. The log
is automatically checked for different timecodes.

Latest Version
The latest version of this project can be found at : http://github.com/thomst/logscan.


Option 1 : Install via pip
pip install logscan

Option 2 : If you have downloaded the source
python setup.py install

logscan –help
logscan -h

Get time-specific access to logfiles.

logscan is able to handle rotated and/or gzipped logfiles or to read stdin.
It supports several formats for time-information in the log, and checks the
logfiles automatically for them. You can also specify further formats in

positional argument:
LOGFILE If LOGFILE is missing or '-' stdin is read instead.

optional arguments:
-h, --help print this help message and exit
-i, --info print the number of files, the start-time and end-time
-c, --timecode TIMECODE use TIMECODE to parse the log-times (e.g. "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")
-g, --grep PATTERN print only lines where PATTERN was found
-d, --date DATE print all log-entries of DATE

arguments for times:
-d, --date DATE print all log-entries of DATE
-t, --time [DATE] TIME specify a point of time; use it twice to specify
a start- and end-time

argruments for durations:

times (DATE and TIME):
DATE and TIME could be in any format. Logscan tries hard to interpret the input
as valid date or time.
If DATE is omitted for --time logscan uses the date of the last log-entry.
If DATE is incomplete logscan completes it with the year or the year and month
of the actual date.

To specify a positive duration use --plus, for a negative use --minus.
All values are interpreted as weeks, days, hours, minutes or seconds -in this
order starting with days. Alternatively you can flag the values with letters
matching those keywords.
So to specify a positive duration of 3 days and 4 minutes you can either do
"--plus 3 0 4" or --plus 3d 4m.

Which period to print is defined as follows:
no times and no duration: from start to eof
one time and no duration: from time to eof
two times and no duration: from time-one to time-two
no times and positive duration: form start to end of duration
no times and negative duration: from begin of duration to eof
one time and positive duration: from time to end of duration
one time and negative duration: from begin of duration to time

logscan checks a log-file automatically for these formats:
%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S
%b %d %X %Y
%b %d %X
Also a timestamp as total amount of seconds since epoche (1970-01-01 00:00:00 UTC)
is supported. logscan expects for it a ten-digit decimal with three decimal-places.
To specify further format-codes use logscan.conf. logscan uses either the first
format that fits or an explicitly with --timecode given format.
A list of all available format-codes can be recieved from 'date --help'.

Every kind of feedback is very welcome.

Reporting Bugs
Please report bugs at github issue tracker:

thomst <thomaslfuss@gmx.de>
Thomas Leichtfuß



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