mamonsu 2.4.1

Creator: bradpython12

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mamonsu 2.4.1

Build status

Development version, available on github, released under BSD 3-clause.

Pre-Build packages for:

Linux distros:
Windows installers

NOTE: pre-build packages on packagecloud only for mamonsu 2.3.4
Install via pip:
$ pip install mamonsu
Install from git:
$ git clone ... && cd mamonsu && python build && python install
Build deb:
$ apt-get install make dpkg-dev debhelper python-dev python-setuptools
$ git clone ... && cd mamonsu && make deb && dpkg -i mamonsu*.deb
Build rpm:
$ yum install make rpm-build python2-devel python-setuptools
$ git clone ... && cd mamonsu && make rpm && rpm -i mamonsu*.rpm
Build win32 exe: (worked with python v3.{4,5}: py2exe v0.9.2.2 and pywin32 v220 or python v2.7: py2exe v0.6.9 and pywin32 v220):
$ git clone ... && cd mamonsu && python py2exe
$ cp dist\{mamonsu, service_win32}.exe c:\mamonsu
$ c:\mamonsu\mamonsu.exe -w c:\mamonsu\agent.conf
$ c:\mamonsu\service_win32.exe -install
$ net start mamonsu
NOTE: windows installer only for mamonsu 2.3.4 version
Build nsis installer:
$ git clone ... && cd mamonsu && python py2exe
$ nsis packaging/win/mamonsu.nsis

Export template for zabbix:
$ mamonsu export template template.xml --add-plugins /etc/mamonsu/plugins
$ cp /usr/share/mamonsu/template.xml .
or get example of config with all available parameters at
Import this file in web interface of zabbix: Configuration => Templates => Import, or deploy with mamonsu:
$ mamonsu zabbix template export /usr/share/mamonsu/template.xml --url=http://zabbix/ --user=Admin --password=zabbix
Add this template like PostgresPro-Linux2 at your monitoring host, or create host with mamonsu:
$ mamonsu zabbix host create <client name> <hostgroup id> <template id> <ip> --url=http://zabbix/ --user=Admin --password=zabbix
Generate config on monitoring host or use preinstalled:
$ mamonsu export config /etc/mamonsu/agent.conf --add-plugins /etc/mamonsu/plugins
or get example of config with all available parameters at
Change previously zabbix server address and client hostname:
$ vim /etc/mamonsu/agent.conf

$ cat /etc/mamonsu/agent.conf

; enabled by default
enabled = True
client = zabbix_client_host_name
address = zabbix_server_ip

; enabled by default
enabled = True
user = mamonsu
database = mamonsu
; empty password
password = None
port = 5432
query_timeout = 10

; enabled by default
enabled = True

file = /var/log/mamonsu/agent.log
level = INFO
These are the main mamonsu settings to get started. You can also fine-tune other mamonsu settings.
At you can find example of configuration file for mamonsu
with all available parameters.
Bootstrap DDL for monitoring (if you want to monitoring without superuser rights)
Create non-privileged user (for example ‘mamonsu’)
$ createdb mamonsu

$ createuser mamonsu
Implement bootstrap from non-privileged user
$ mamonsu bootstrap -M mamonsu

Work with zabbix-agent using template and configuration file from mamonsu
NOTE: Mamonsu zabbix agent option does not work for Windows
Export template for zabbix-agent
$ mamonsu export zabbix-template template_agent.xml
or get example of template at
Export or download zabbix-agent configuration file for needed PostgreSQL version
$ mamonsu export zabbix-parameters userparameters_pgsql_v*.conf --pg-version=version_number (by default pg-version=10)
or get example of configuration file at
NOTE: zabbix-agent configuration file for PostgreSQL 10 and 11 are equal
Bash scripts for OS parameters monitoring are exported with configuration file in directory /scripts
Or you can download them at
Add configuration file to zabbix-agent directory as /etc/zabbix/zabbix_agentd.d/userparameters_pgsql.conf
NOTE: Make sure path for bash scripts in zabbix-agent configuration file is valid
Edit connections options of zabbix-agent /etc/zabbix/zabbix_agentd.conf, following standard instructions for zabbix-agent installation (

Write your plugin
All plugins must exist in plugin directory which is defined in your configuration file.
See the examples for aditional information.
After add new plugin, you must to reexport template and import this file to zabbix.


repo mamonsu-plugins for skytools, nginx, rabbitmq, uwsgi, gdnsd.

$ service mamonsu start
or by hand:
$ mamonsu -d -a /etc/mamonsu/plugins -c /etc/mamonsu/agent.conf -p /var/run/

Metrics: PostgreSQL
'PostgreSQL: ping':[]
'PostgreSQL: service uptime': pgsql.uptime[]
'PostgreSQL: cache hit ratio': pgsql.cache[hit]
'PostgreSQL: number of total connections': pgsql.connections[total]
'PostgreSQL: number of waiting connections': pgsql.connections[waiting]
'PostgreSQL: number of active connections': pgsql.connections[active]
'PostgreSQL: number of idle connections': pgsql.connections[idle]
'PostgreSQL: number of idle in transactions connections': pgsql.connections[idle_in_transaction]
'PostgreSQL: number of idle in transactions aborted connections': pgsql.connections[idle_in_transaction_aborted]
'PostgreSQL: number of fastpath frunction call connections': pgsql.connections[fastpath_function_call]
'PostgreSQL: number of disabled connections': pgsql.connections[disabled]
'PostgreSQL: number of max connections': pgsql.connections[max_connections]
'PostgreSQL: count files in archive_status need to archive': pgsql.archive_command[count_files_to_archive]
'PostgreSQL: size of files need to archive': pgsql.archive_command[size_files_to_archive]
'PostgreSQL: count archived files': pgsql.archive_command[archived_files]
'PostgreSQL: count attempts to archive files': pgsql.archive_command[failed_trying_to_archive]
'PostgreSQL checkpoint: by timeout (in hour)': pgsql.checkpoint[count_timed]
'PostgreSQL checkpoint: by wal (in hour)': pgsql.checkpoint[count_wal]
'PostgreSQL checkpoint: write time': pgsql.checkpoint[write_time]
'PostgreSQL checkpoint: sync time': pgsql.checkpoint[checkpoint_sync_time]
'PostgreSQL bgwriter: buffers written during checkpoints': pgsql.bgwriter[buffers_checkpoint]
'PostgreSQL bgwriter: buffers written': pgsql.bgwriter[buffers_clean]
'PostgreSQL bgwriter: number of bgwriter stopped by max write count': pgsql.bgwriter[maxwritten_clean]
'PostgreSQL bgwriter: buffers written directly by a backend': pgsql.bgwriter[buffers_backend]
'PostgreSQL bgwriter: times a backend execute its own fsync': pgsql.bgwriter[buffers_backend_fsync]
'PostgreSQL bgwriter: buffers allocated': pgsql.bgwriter[buffers_alloc]
'PostgreSQL: count of autovacuum workers': pgsql.autovacumm.count[]
'PostgreSQL transactions: total': pgsql.transactions[total]
'PostgreSQL blocks: hit': pgsql.blocks[hit]
'PostgreSQL blocks: read': pgsql.blocks[read]
'PostgreSQL event: conflicts':[conflicts]
'PostgreSQL event: deadlocks':[deadlocks]
'PostgreSQL event: rollbacks':[xact_rollback]
'PostgreSQL temp: bytes written': pgsql.temp[bytes]
'PostgreSQL temp: files created': pgsql.temp[files]
'PostgreSQL tuples: deleted': pgsql.tuples[deleted]
'PostgreSQL tuples: fetched': pgsql.tuples[fetched]
'PostgreSQL tuples: inserted': pgsql.tuples[inserted]
'PostgreSQL tuples: returned': pgsql.tuples[returned]
'PostgreSQL tuples: updated': pgsql.tuples[updated]
'PostgreSQL: streaming replication lag in seconds': pgsql.replication_lag[sec]
'PostgreSQL: wal write speed': pgsql.wal.write[]
'PostgreSQL: count of xlog files': pgsql.wal.count[]
'PostgreSQL statements: read bytes/s': pgsql.stat[read_bytes]
'PostgreSQL statements: write bytes/s': pgsql.stat[write_bytes]
'PostgreSQL statements: dirty bytes/s': pgsql.stat[dirty_bytes]
'PostgreSQL statements: read io time': pgsql.stat[read_time]
'PostgreSQL statements: write io time': pgsql.stat[write_time]
'PostgreSQL statements: other (mostly cpu) time': pgsql.stat[other_time]
'PostgreSQL locks: Read only queries': pgsql.pg_locks[accessshare]
'PostgreSQL locks: SELECT FOR SHARE and SELECT FOR UPDATE': pgsql.pg_locks[rowshare]
'PostgreSQL locks: Write queries': pgsql.pg_locks[rowexclusive]
'PostgreSQL locks: VACUUM, ANALYZE, CREATE INDEX CONCURRENTLY': pgsql.pg_locks[shareupdateexclusive]
'PostgreSQL locks: CREATE INDEX': pgsql.pg_locks[share]
'PostgreSQL locks: Locks from application': pgsql.pg_locks[sharerowexclusive]
'PostgreSQL locks: Locks from application or some operation on system catalogs': pgsql.pg_locks[exclusive]
'PostgreSQL locks: ALTER TABLE, DROP TABLE, TRUNCATE, REINDEX, CLUSTER, VACUUM FULL, LOCK TABLE': pgsql.pg_locks[accessexclusive]
'PostgreSQL oldest transaction running time': pgsql.oldest[transaction_time]
'PostgreSQL age of oldest xid': pgsql.oldest[xid_age]
'PostgreSQL waits: Lightweight locks': pgsql.all_lock[lwlock]
'PostgreSQL waits: Heavyweight locks': pgsql.all_lock[hwlock]
'PostgreSQL waits: Buffer locks': pgsql.all_lock[buffer]
'PostgreSQL waits: lock on a relation': pgsql.hwlock[relation]
'PostgreSQL waits: extend a relation': pgsql.hwlock[extend]
'PostgreSQL waits: lock on a tuple': pgsql.hwlock[tuple]
'PostgreSQL waits: transaction to finish': pgsql.hwlock[transactionid]
'PostgreSQL waits: virtual xid lock': pgsql.hwlock[virtualxid]
'PostgreSQL waits: speculative insertion lock': pgsql.hwlock[speculative_token]
'PostgreSQL waits: lock on database object': pgsql.hwlock[object]
'PostgreSQL waits: userlock': pgsql.hwlock[userlock]
'PostgreSQL waits: advisory user lock': pgsql.hwlock[advisory]
'PostgreSQL waits: XID access': pgsql.lwlock[xid]
'PostgreSQL waits: WAL access': pgsql.lwlock[wal]
'PostgreSQL waits: CLOG access': pgsql.lwlock[clog]
'PostgreSQL waits: Replication Locks': pgsql.lwlock[replication]
'PostgreSQL waits: Buffer operations': pgsql.lwlock[buffer]
'PostgreSQL waits: Other operations': pgsql.lwlock[other]

'Database {#DATABASE}: size': pgsql.database.size[{#DATABASE}]
'Count of bloating tables in database: {#DATABASE}': pgsql.database.bloating_tables[{#DATABASE}]
'Max age (datfrozenxid) in: {#DATABASE}': pgsql.database.bloating_tables[{#DATABASE}]

Metrics: Linux system
'System uptime': system.uptime[]
'System load average over 1 minute':[1]
'Processes: in state running': system.processes[running]
'Processes: in state blocked': system.processes[blocked]
'Processes: forkrate': system.processes[forkrate]
'Opened files': system.open_files[]
'CPU time spent by normal programs and daemons': system.cpu[user]
'CPU time spent by nice(1)d programs': system.cpu[nice]
'CPU time spent by the kernel in system activities': system.cpu[system]
'CPU time spent by Idle CPU time': system.cpu[idle]
'CPU time spent waiting for I/O operations': system.cpu[iowait]
'CPU time spent handling interrupts': system.cpu[irq]
'CPU time spent handling batched interrupts': system.cpu[softirq]
'Block devices: read requests': system.disk.all_read[]
'Block devices: write requests': system.disk.all_write[]
'Apps: User-space applications': system.memory[apps]
'Buffers: Block device cache and dirty': system.memory[buffers]
'Swap: Swap space used': system.memory[swap]
'Cached: Parked file data (file content) cache': system.memory[cached]
'Free: Wasted memory': system.memory[unused]
'Slab: Kernel used memory (inode cache)': system.memory[slab]
'SwapCached: Fetched unmod yet swap pages': system.memory[swap_cache]
'PageTables: Map bt virtual and physical': system.memory[page_tables]
'VMallocUsed: vmaloc() allocated by kernel': system.memory[vmalloc_used]
'Committed_AS: Total committed memory': system.memory[committed]
'Mapped: All mmap()ed pages': system.memory[mapped]
'Active: Memory recently used': system.memory[active]
'Inactive: Memory not currently used': system.memory[inactive]

'Mount point {#MOUNTPOINT}: used': system.vfs.used[{#MOUNTPOINT}]
'Mount point {#MOUNTPOINT}: free'[{#MOUNTPOINT}]
'Mount point {#MOUNTPOINT}: free in percents': system.vfs.percent_free[{#MOUNTPOINT}]
'Mount point {#MOUNTPOINT}: free inodes in percent': system.vfs.percent_inode_free[{#MOUNTPOINT}]
'Block device {#BLOCKDEVICE}: utilization': system.disk.utilization[{#BLOCKDEVICE}]
'Block device {#BLOCKDEVICE}: read operations':[{#BLOCKDEVICE}]
'Block device {#BLOCKDEVICE}: write operations': system.disk.write[{#BLOCKDEVICE}]
'Block device {#BLOCKDEVICE}: read byte/s': system.disk.read_b[{#BLOCKDEVICE}]
'Block device {#BLOCKDEVICE}: write byte/s': system.disk.write_b[{#BLOCKDEVICE}]
'Net device {#NETDEVICE}: RX bytes/s':[{#NETDEVICE}]
'Net device {#NETDEVICE}: RX errors/s':[{#NETDEVICE}]
'Net device {#NETDEVICE}: RX drops/s':[{#NETDEVICE}]
'Net device {#NETDEVICE}: TX bytes/s':[{#NETDEVICE}]
'Net device {#NETDEVICE}: TX errors/s':[{#NETDEVICE}]
'Net device {#NETDEVICE}: TX drops/s':[{#NETDEVICE}]

Metrics: Windows system
'Memory cached': system.memory[cache]
'Memory available': system.memory[available]
'Memory free': system.memory[free]
'CPU user time': system.cpu[user_time]
'CPU idle time': system.cpu[idle_time]
'CPU privileged time': system.cpu[privileged_time]
'Network bytes total':[total_bytes]
'Network output queue length':[total_output_queue]


Tool: Report
Create report about used hardware and PostgreSQL:
$ mamonsu report

Tool: Tune
Make generic optimization for system and PostgreSQL, based on hardware information:
$ mamonsu tune

Tool: analog of zabbix_get
$ mamonsu agent version
$ mamonsu agent metric-list
$ mamonsu agent metric-get <key>

Tool: Zabbix CLI
Simple cli for control your Zabbix Server
$ export ZABBIX_USER=Admin
$ export ZABBIX_PASSWD=zabbix
$ export ZABBIX_URL='http://localhost/zabbix'

$ mamonsu zabbix template list
$ mamonsu zabbix template show <template name>
$ mamonsu zabbix template id <template name>
$ mamonsu zabbix template delete <template id>
$ mamonsu zabbix template export <file>

$ mamonsu zabbix host list
$ mamonsu zabbix host show <hostname>
$ mamonsu zabbix host id <hostname>
$ mamonsu zabbix host delete <host id>
$ mamonsu zabbix host create <host name> <hostgroup id> <template id> <ip>
$ mamonsu zabbix host info templates <host id>
$ mamonsu zabbix host info hostgroups <host id>
$ mamonsu zabbix host info graphs <host id>
$ mamonsu zabbix host info items <host id>

$ mamonsu zabbix hostgroup list
$ mamonsu zabbix hostgroup show <hostgroup name>
$ mamonsu zabbix hostgroup id <hostgroup name>
$ mamonsu zabbix hostgroup delete <hostgroup id>
$ mamonsu zabbix hostgroup create <hostgroup name>

$ mamonsu zabbix item error <host name>
$ mamonsu zabbix item lastvalue <host name>
$ mamonsu zabbix item lastclock <host name>


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.


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