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mapizypropertyanalytics 0.1.4
Mapizy Property Analytics- Python API
Property analytics is an machine learning based engine that helps industries like insurance, real-estate, and etc. Python API is useful to use Mapizy property analytics to developers simply using python language.
First please register and make an account in Mapizy Studio and purchase the appropriate pricing plan or use the Free Tier mode.
Go to API section and make API_key and API_url for your account.
Install the package using
pip install mapizy-property-analytics
If you want to process analysis for a specific property you can use the following code:
from mapizy_property_analytics import mapizy_property_analytics
API_url = '<YOUR API URL>'
API_key = '<YOUR API KEY>'
Address = '<The property address>' # example: '5 Pele Ave Salisbury East Salisbury SA 5109'
First_date = '<First date in YYYY-MM-DD format>' # example: '2018-01-01
Last_date = '<Last date in YYYY-MM-DD format>' # example: '2020-01-01
Frequency = '<Image retrive frequency, can be 2-yearly, yearly, half-yearly, quarterly>'
Analyse_type = '<Analyse type can be change or latest>' # example: 'change'
mapizy_property_analytics.development_API(API_url,API_key,Address = Address,\
First_date= First_date,Last_date = Last_date,\
Frequency = Frequency,Analyse_type = Analyse_type)
All done
For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.
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