
Creator: coderz1093

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mappls direction plugin

Flutter Mappls Direction Widget #
A ready to use Fragment to show the Routes in an Android platform. It offers the following basic functionalities:

Takes support of Mappls Place search for searching locations of origin, destinations and via points.
It allows to use origin and destinations in Mappls digital address (semicolon separated) mappls pin or WGS 84 geographical coordinates both.
The ability to set the vehicle profile like driving, and biking.
Easily set the resource for traffic and ETA information.
For more details, please contact

Getting Started #
To work with Mappls Direction Widget in flutter add these to your package's pubspec.yaml file:
mappls_direction_plugin: ^1.0.0
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Now in your dart code you need to import this package:
import 'package:mappls_direction_plugin/mappls_direction_plugin.dart';
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Adding Mappls Keys #
You must provide your keys through the MapplsAccountManager class.(click here)
Direction Widget #
Use method openDirectionWidget to open Direction Widget:
// Platform messages may fail, so we use a try/catch PlatformException.
try {

DirectionCallbcak directionCallback = await openDirectionWidget(directionOptions:options );
} on PlatformException {

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You can use DirectionOptions to set the properties of the widget:

resource(String): Below are the available resource:

DirectionsCriteria.RESOURCE_ROUTE (Default): to calculate a route & its duration without considering traffic conditions.
DirectionsCriteria.RESOURCE_ROUTE_ETA get the updated duration of a route considering live traffic; Applicable for India only "region=ind" and "rtype=1" is not supported. This is different from route_traffic; since this doesn't search for a route considering traffic, it only applies delays to the default route.
to search for routes considering live traffic; Applicable for India only “region=ind” and “rtype=1” is not supported

showAlternative(Boolean): Show alternative routes.
profile(String): Below are the available profile:

DirectionsCriteria.PROFILE_DRIVING (Default):Meant for car routing
DirectionsCriteria.PROFILE_WALKING: Meant for pedestrian routing. Routing with this profile is restricted to route_adv only. region & rtype request parameters are not supported in pedestrian routing
DirectionsCriteria.PROFILE_BIKING:Meant for two-wheeler routing. Routing with this profile is restricted to route_adv only. region & rtype request parameters are not supported in two-wheeler routing.
DirectionsCriteria.PROFILE_TRUCKING:Meant for Truck routing. Routing with this profile is restricted to route_adv only. region & rtype request parameters are not supported in truck routing.

overview(String): Add overview geometry either full, simplified according to highest zoom level it could be display on, or not at all. Below are the available value:


steps(Boolean): Return route steps for each route leg. Possible values are true/false. By default it will be used as false.
excludes(List<String>) : Additive list of road classes to avoid, order does not matter. Below are the available value:


showStartNavigation(Boolean): To show the Start Navigation button if the origin is current location.
destination(DirectionPoint): You can use DirectionPoint to pass the destination in direction widget:

location(LatLng): Latitude and longitude of destination
mapplsPin(String): It takes mappls pin
placeName(String): It takes the place name
placeAddress(String): It takes the address

searchPlaceOption(PlaceOptions): To set the properties of search widget

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