marvelapi 0.0.1

Creator: bradpython12

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marvelapi 0.0.1

from marvel.client import MarvelClient
client = MarvelClient("", "<api_key>", "<api_secrel>")
resp = client.get_comic(16246)
{'code': 200,
'status': 'Ok',
'copyright': '© 2018 MARVEL',
'attributionText': 'Data provided by Marvel. © 2018 MARVEL',
'attributionHTML': '<a href="">Data provided by Marvel. © 2018 MARVEL</a>',
'etag': '0ee715261c97423ba6caa142956a1194d5ad3d66',
'data': {'offset': 0,
'limit': 20,
'total': 1,
'count': 1,
'results': [{'id': 16246,
'digitalId': 0,
'title': 'Cap Transport (2005) #7',
'issueNumber': 7,
'variantDescription': '',
'description': None,
'modified': '-0001-11-30T00:00:00-0500',
'isbn': '',
'upc': '',
'diamondCode': '',
'ean': '',
'issn': '',
'format': 'Comic',
'pageCount': 0,
'textObjects': [],
'resourceURI': '',
'urls': [{'type': 'detail',
'url': ''}],
'series': {'resourceURI': '',
'name': 'Cap Transport (2005 - 2006)'},
'variants': [],
'collections': [],
'collectedIssues': [],
'dates': [{'type': 'onsaleDate', 'date': '2029-12-31T00:00:00-0500'},
{'type': 'focDate', 'date': '-0001-11-30T00:00:00-0500'}],
'prices': [{'type': 'printPrice', 'price': 0}],
'thumbnail': {'path': '',
'extension': 'jpg'},
'images': [],
'creators': {'available': 9,
'collectionURI': '',
'items': [{'resourceURI': '',
'name': 'Tom Brevoort',
'role': 'editor'},
{'resourceURI': '',
'name': 'Molly Lazer',
'role': 'editor'},
{'resourceURI': '',
'name': 'Andy Schmidt',
'role': 'editor'},
{'resourceURI': '',
'name': 'Ed Brubaker',
'role': 'writer'},
{'resourceURI': '',
'name': 'Virtual Calligraphy',
'role': 'letterer'},
{'resourceURI': '',
'name': 'Vc Randy Gentile',
'role': 'letterer'},
{'resourceURI': '',
'name': "Frank D'ARMATA",
'role': 'colorist'},
{'resourceURI': '',
'name': 'Steve Epting',
'role': 'penciler'},
{'resourceURI': '',
'name': 'John Paul Leon',
'role': 'penciler'}],
'returned': 9},
'characters': {'available': 4,
'collectionURI': '',
'items': [{'resourceURI': '',
'name': 'Captain America'},
{'resourceURI': '',
'name': 'Nomad'},
{'resourceURI': '',
'name': 'Scourge'},
{'resourceURI': '',
'name': 'Sub-Mariner'}],
'returned': 4},
'stories': {'available': 3,
'collectionURI': '',
'items': [{'resourceURI': '',
'name': 'Cover #34018',
'type': 'cover'},
{'resourceURI': '',
'name': 'The Lonesome Death of Jack Monroe',
'type': 'interiorStory'},
{'resourceURI': '',
'name': 'Freedom of Speech',
'type': 'letters'}],
'returned': 3},
'events': {'available': 0,
'collectionURI': '',
'items': [],
'returned': 0}}]}}


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