
Creator: coderz1093

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media cache manager

media_cache_manager #
Helps you to cache and encrypt media (Audio, Video, Image, etc...) Permanently or for specific time.
With a URL the [DownloadMediaBuilder] Widget search locally for the file, if found file will be in a snapshot, if not found file will be downloaded and will be in a snapshot.
General Usage

What is new ?? #
- daysToExpire behavior changed. #
- autoDownload option to enable/disable auto download. #
- Rename onInit callback to onInitialize. #
- Add initial state to DownloadMediaStatus. #
- Encrypt and decrypt downloaded files with AES. #
- Cancel download. #
- Retry download if failed. #
- Add Encrypting/Decrypting status. #
- Refactor DownloadMediaBuilder Widget. #
- Optimize plugin imports. #

Install #
in pubspec.yaml file under dependencies add
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For Android : #
Go to android -> app -> build.gradle
and add this line inside defaultConfig scope
multiDexEnabled true
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and modify minSdkVersion to 20

Initializing plugin ( Required ) #
void main() async {
await MediaCacheManager.instance.init();
runApp(const MyApp());
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Encrypted Files ( Optional ) #
Encrypting files using AES Encryption with OFB mode.
Call this method once in your main function or elsewhere.
await MediaCacheManager.instance.setEncryptionPassword("I love flutter");
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Note :

Use this wisely it can affect on performance if you are processing multi and large files.
User and Other apps can not access unencrypted files due to files stored in Temporary Directory.

OR when Initializing plugin you can call a param encryptionPassword instead. #
await MediaCacheManager.instance.init(encryptionPassword: 'I love flutter');
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Note :

By default encryption is disabled until you call setEncryptionPassword.
Large files takes more time to en/decrypt.

Encrypt Single File #
You can encrypt single file using encryptionPassword in DownloadMediaBuilder widget
url: "",
encryptionPassword: "this is a password",
onSuccess: (snapshot) {
return Image.file(File(snapshot.filePath!);
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You have to save your files passwords somewhere safe
plugin is not caching your files passwords.

If plugin could not decrypt file with given password
file will start downloading again.

setExpireDate ( Optional ) #
before using the DownloadMediaBuilder Widget you have to call this method for once.
ex: I am calling it in main method or at my splash screen.
if you didn't call this method it will cache Permanently.

Note: File expiration will be expansion if user has loaded the file before expiration
EX: if we set daysToExpire to 3,
then user has loaded the file in the second day before expiration,
result file will be loaded and expiration will be expansion for new 3 days and so on.

await MediaCacheManager.instance.setExpireDate(daysToExpire: 10);
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OR when Initializing plugin you can call a param daysToExpire instead. #
await MediaCacheManager.instance.init(daysToExpire: 1);
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General Usage #
url: '',
onSuccess: (snapshot) {
return Image.file(File(snapshot.filePath!));
onLoading: (snapshot) {
return LinearProgressIndicator(
value: snapshot.progress,
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Disable autoDownload ( Optional ) #
auto download is enabled by default.
late DownloadMediaBuilderController controller;

url: '',
autoDownload: false,
onInitialize: (controller) => this.controller = controller,
onInitial: (snapshot) {
return ElevatedButton(
onPressed: controller.getFile,
child: const Text('Load file'),
onSuccess: (snapshot) {
return BetterPlayer.file(snapshot.filePath!);
onLoading: (snapshot) {
return LinearProgressIndicator(
value: snapshot.progress,
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Handle Loading and error states #
url: '',
onLoading: (snapshot) {
return LinearProgressIndicator(value: snapshot.progress);
onSuccess: (snapshot) {
return BetterPlayer.file(snapshot.filePath!);
onError: (snapshot) {
return const Text('Error!');
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Handle Canceled and retry states #
late DownloadMediaBuilderController controller;

url: '',
onInitialize: (controller) => this.controller = controller,
onLoading: (snapshot) {
/// Cancel download if the status is still loading
return Column(
crossAxisAlignment: CrossAxisAlignment.stretch,
children: [
value: snapshot.progress,
const SizedBox(height: 20),
onPressed: controller.cancel,
child: const Text('Cancel Download'),
onSuccess: (snapshot) {
return BetterPlayer.file(snapshot.filePath!);
onError: (snapshot) {
return const Text('Error!');
onCancel: (snapshot) {
/// Retry to download the file if the status is canceled
return ElevatedButton(
onPressed: controller.retry,
child: const Text('Retry'),
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Note: if the status is not loading you can not call cancel function
retry function is only available if the status is loading

Explaining of snapshot #
DownloadMediaSnapshot has three fields :

Status, it has 7 status (Initial, Success, Loading, Error, Canceled, Encrypting, Decrypting).

FilePath, it will be available if the file had been downloaded.

Progress, it's the process progress if the file is downloading.


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