
Creator: coderz1093

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Memoized #
The memoized package is designed to store the previously computed value of a function so that if the function is called again with the same parameters, the stored value is returned immediately instead of recalculating it.
Features #
Memoization: Wraps a function and caches its result.
import 'package:memoized/memoized.dart';

final sum = (() =>;
print(sum()); // Computes the sum
print(sum()); // Returns the cached sum
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LRU Cache: For functions that accept parameters, an LRU (Least Recently Used) cache is maintained. It caches the results of the most recent function calls based on their parameters.
import 'package:memoized/memoized.dart';

// Memoized1<ReturnType, ArgumentType>
late final Memoized1<int, int> fib;
fib = Memoized1((int n) {
if (n <= 1) return n;
return fib(n-1) + fib(n-2);
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Expiry: Allows you to manually expire the cached value.
Iterable<int> numbers =;
final calculateSum = (() => numbers.sum()).memo;

numbers =;
calculateSum.expire(); // Cache is cleared but not computed

final value = calculateSum(); // Recomputed here
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Within a Class: You can use memoized functions within classes too.
class IntervalTimer {
final List<Duration> timers = [];
late final totalDuration = _totalDurationImpl.memo;

Duration _totalDurationImpl() => timers.fold<Duration>(,
(p, v) => p + v

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Important Notes on the Lifetime of Memoized Instances #
Beware of creating Memoized instances as function variables. #
The following code snippet demonstrates a pitfall to avoid when using Memoized:
class _VeryCoolWidgetState extends State<VeryCoolWidget> {
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
final size = Memoized(expensiveCalculation);

return CoolWidget(size: size());
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In this pattern, a new Memoized instance is created and destroyed with every build invocation. This means that the previously calculated result will not be cached, defeating the purpose of Memoization.
Solution: Use a memoized instance outside the function #
To avoid this issue, consider the following approach:
class _VeryCoolWidgetState extends State<VeryCoolWidget> {
late final expensiveCalculation = _expensiveCalculationImpl.memo;

Size _expensiveCalculationImpl() {...}

Widget build(BuildContext context) {
final size = expensiveCalculation();

return CoolWidget(size: size);
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Here, the Memoized instance is created once outside the build function and assigned to a late final variable. This ensures that the instance persists across build calls, allowing for proper result caching.


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