
Creator: coderz1093

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Animated Metaballs for Flutter #

About #
This library makes it easy to add well performing, highly configurable metaballs to your flutter project. The metaballs automatically scale to any screen size so you don't have to manually adjust the parameters for different devices. The metaballs have been implemented in shaders for the best performance across all devices. All available effects have been optimized for both mouse and touch input and should not interfere with any gesture detectors

Installing: #
metaballs: ^1.4.2
copied to clipboard
import 'package:metaballs/metaballs.dart';
copied to clipboard

Usage: #
color: const Color.fromARGB(255, 66, 133, 244),
effect: MetaballsEffect.follow(
growthFactor: 1,
smoothing: 1,
radius: 0.5,
gradient: LinearGradient(
colors: [
const Color.fromARGB(255, 90, 60, 255),
const Color.fromARGB(255, 120, 255, 255),
begin: Alignment.bottomRight,
end: Alignment.topLeft
metaballs: 40,
animationDuration: const Duration(milliseconds: 200),
speedMultiplier: 1,
bounceStiffness: 3,
minBallRadius: 15,
maxBallRadius: 40,
glowRadius: 0.7,
glowIntensity: 0.6,
child: Text('METABALLS')
copied to clipboard

Default value
Accepted values

Color? color

The color of the metaballs

MetaballsEffect? effect

The animated effect applied to the metaballs

Gradient? gradient

A gradient for coloring the metaballs, overwrites color

int? metaballs
1 to 128
The amount of metaballs

Duration? animationDuration
Duration(milliseconds: 200)

The duration of the color changing animation

double? speedMultiplier
Above 0
A multiplier of the ball movement speed

double? bounceStiffness
Above 0
A multiplier to change the speed at which balls change direction

double? minBallRadius
0 or more
The minimum size of a ball

double? maxBallRadius
Above min
The maximum size of a ball

double? glowRadius
0 to 1
A multiplier to indicate the radius of the glow

double? glowIntensity
0 to 1
The brightness of the glow around the ball

Widget? child

A widget to be placed on top of the Metaballs widget

Effects #

MetaballsEffect.follow() #
This effect adds a metaball for every cursor / touch and then follows that cursor / touch around

Default value
Accepted values

double? smoothing
0 or more
The amount the metaballs movement gets smoothed

double? growthFactor
0 or more
The amount the metaballs grow relative to their movement speed

double? radius

0 or more
The size of the following metaball where 0 is the minBallRadius and 1 is the maxBallRadius

MetaballsEffect.speedup() #
This effect makes all metaballs speedup relative to how fast you move your mouse or swipe on your touchscreen

Default value
Accepted values

double? speedup
Above 0
The amount the metaballs speed up relative to the mouse / swipe speed

MetaballsEffect.grow() #
This effect increases the radius of all metaballs based on how close they are to the mouse cursor or a touch

Default value
Accepted values

double? radius
Above 0
The radius around the mouse / touch in which the metaballs get scaled up

double? growthFactor
Above 0
The amount by which the metaballs increase in size

double? smoothing
0 or more
The amount the movement gets smoothed

MetaballsEffect.ripple() #
This effect makes all metaballs increase and then decrease their radius in an outgoing ripple from a tab / mouse click

Default value
Accepted values

double? speed
Above 0
The speed of the ripple effect

double? width
Above 0
The the ripple width

double? growthFactor
Above 0
The amount by which the metaballs grow

Duration? fade
Duration(milliseconds: 1200)

The time before the ripple is completely faded away

Web support #
On web the gradients are currently manually implemented in webgl because ShaderMask is currently not supported on web. Because of that certain gradient features are currently not implemented like the focal and focalRadius options on the RadialGradient and the transform matrix on all gradients. Support for these options will probably be added in a later release but currently don't have high priority. If you depend on these features feel free to open a feature request or pull request on github.


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.

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