
Creator: coderz1093

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mgrs dart

mgrs_dart #
Utility for converting between WGS84 lat/lng and MGRS coordinates (Dart version of proj4js/mgrs).
Installing #
Add mgrs_dart to pubspec.yml (dependencies section), then run pub get to download the new dependencies.
mgrs_dart: any # or the latest version on Pub
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Using #
Mgrs_dart has 3 methods

toPoint, takes an mgrs string, returns an array of [lon,lat]
forward, takes an array of [lon,lat] and optional accuracy and returns an mgrs string
inverse, takes an mgrs string and returns a bbox.

import 'package:mgrs_dart/mgrs_dart.dart';

void main() {
var point = [-115.08209766323476, 36.236123461597515];
var mgrsString = '11SPA7234911844';
var accuracy = 5;

// MGRS string to LonLat (results List<double>)
var calculatedPoint = Mgrs.toPoint(mgrsString);
print("Mgrs.toPoint('$mgrsString') = $calculatedPoint;");
// Mgrs.toPoint('11SPA7234911844') = [-115.08209766323476, 36.236123461597515];

// LonLat to MGRS string (results String)
var calculatedMgrsString = Mgrs.forward(point, accuracy);
print("Mgrs.forward($point, $accuracy) = '$calculatedMgrsString';");
// Mgrs.forward([-115.08209766323476, 36.236123461597515], 5) = '11SPA7234911844';

// MGRS string to BBOX (results List<double>)
var calculatedBox = Mgrs.inverse(mgrsString);
print("Mgrs.inverse('$mgrsString') = $calculatedBox;");
// Mgrs.inverse('11SPA7234911844') = [-115.08209766323476, 36.236123461597515, -115.08208632067898, 36.23613229376363];
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Author #
Mgrs_dart was ported from proj4js/mgrs by Gergely Padányi-Gulyás (@fegyi001) at Ulyssys Ltd, Budapest, Hungary.


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.

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