Miprobe 0.6.9 | GitLocker.com Product

miprobe 0.6.9

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miprobe 0.6.9

MiProbe Data Logging Tool and Python Libraries
A USB/Serial data logging tool and python functions/libraries for MiProbe Sensor boards developed by under various U.S. Department of Energy Small Business Innovative Research grant awards for Burge Environmental, Inc.
Supported Platforms
Linux, Mac, and FreeBSD on amd64 and aarch64 system architectures.
Installation & Usage
python3 -m pip install miprobe
The executable, miprober, is installed to ~/.local/bin on Linux and BSD systems and ~/Library/Python//bin on Mac OS X using homebrew.
miprober Usage
The miprober executable is an example python script that provides a simple interface for initializing automated data logging experiments using MiProbe system boards using the supplied mp_lib.py library.
miprober -type "B56" -experimentname "ExperimentName" -interval 60 -number 1000 -query "N01,N02,N03,T1"

This will log only Nodes 1, 2, and 3 and Thermistor sensor 1. Use the query "ALLVT" for all possible sensors. The latest experiment configuration will be stored in ~/mp_data/ as latest_config.json.
Passing no arguments or configuration file to miprober will default to loading the latest_config.json file.

See Help below for more advanced usage:

API.key and API.url files
On first-run miprober will create a folder $HOME/mp_data and request a API URL endpoint and Key. These files are stored in the mp_data folder as API.key and API.url respectively and are provided by the MiProbe team to access the MiProbe Cloud database servers.
mp_lib usage
mp_lib provides simple functions for initializing serial connections with MiProbe devices, querying them for sensor data, and pushing the data to an API server for further processing or database storage.
Experimental Network Logger JSON API
Since version 0.5 miprober now runs a flask server to allow a HTTP/JSON api for checking on data logger status over local networks.
Supply the device name or IP address to query the system on port 5000 using http get requests:
Get current experiment configuration:
Get latest reading off device:
Get a JSON dump of ALL readings stored to /mp_data/ExperimentName.csv:
Highly experimental:
Instruct miprober to immediately query the board, pushing data to the API server and responding in JSON to the query request.
DynamoDB API Server (Example)
Example code for a rudimentary Python/Flask API Server to receive data using AWS API Gateways and Lambda Functions is provided for testing. See api_server folder for example.
You will need to configure your DynamoDB Tables to use ExperimentName and Timestamp as the has key and range key for the Data_DB table and just the ExperimentName as the Hash key for the ExperimentID_DB table.


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