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mliamlib 1.0.7
# mlib
A library of useful data manipulation, plotting, loading/saving, and other tools for “flatfile”-type time series data.
## Creating the conda environment
The subdirectory envs has yaml files for creating a conda environment for running mlib.
### Installing and Updating Anaconda
Instructions on installing Anaconda are here: Make sure Anaconda’s bin directory is on your path.
If Anaconda is already installed, but is not up to date, you can update it with the following command:
`bash $ conda update anaconda `
Assuming you have an up-to-date version of anaconda installed, you can install or update the environments with the commands below.
##### Warning
This library should be used in an environment that has basemap, and netCDF4 installed. An example conda environment is packaged with the project
#### Initial Install
`bash $ conda env create -f envs/mlib27-env.yml `
#### Update
`bash $ conda env update -f envs/mlib27-env.yml # this is where the update magic happens `
#### Activating an Environment
On bash systems, the following command should always activate an environment (assuming that the anaconda/bin directory is on your path):
`bash $ source activate mlib27 `
However, the conda command can be used to activate environments as well. This will work on both bash and csh systems, but requires a specific script to be sourced first (e.g. in your .cshrc or .bashrc file). The script is located at …/anaconda/etc/profile.d/. Use the script appropriate for your environment. Then, the command to activate the environment is:
`bash $ conda activate mlib27 `
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