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🍹 mocktail #
Mock library for Dart inspired by mockito.
Mocktail focuses on providing a familiar, simple API for creating mocks in Dart (with null-safety) without the need for manual mocks or code generation.
Creating a Mock #
import 'package:mocktail/mocktail.dart';
// A Real Cat class
class Cat {
String sound() => 'meow!';
bool likes(String food, {bool isHungry = false}) => false;
final int lives = 9;
// A Mock Cat class
class MockCat extends Mock implements Cat {}
void main() {
// Create a Mock Cat instance
final cat = MockCat();
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Stub and Verify Behavior #
The MockCat instance can then be used to stub and verify calls.
// Stub the `sound` method.
when(() => cat.sound()).thenReturn('meow');
// Verify no interactions have occurred.
verifyNever(() => cat.sound());
// Interact with the mock cat instance.
// Verify the interaction occurred.
verify(() => cat.sound()).called(1);
// When mocktail verifies an invocation, it is then excluded from further verifications.
verifyNever(() => cat.sound());
// Interact with the mock instance again.
// The verification count is 1 since there was only 1 invocation since the last verification.
verify(() => cat.sound()).called(1);
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Additional Usage #
// Stub a method before interacting with the mock.
when(() => cat.sound()).thenReturn('purrr!');
expect(cat.sound(), 'purrr!');
// You can interact with the mock multiple times.
expect(cat.sound(), 'purrr!');
// You can change the stub.
when(() => cat.sound()).thenReturn('meow!');
expect(cat.sound(), 'meow');
// You can stub getters.
when(() => cat.lives).thenReturn(10);
expect(cat.lives, 10);
// You can stub a method for specific arguments.
when(() => cat.likes('fish', isHungry: false)).thenReturn(true);
expect(cat.likes('fish', isHungry: false), isTrue);
// You can verify the interaction for specific arguments.
verify(() => cat.likes('fish', isHungry: false)).called(1);
// Or alternatively use any(that: ...) to use a matcher.
verify(() => cat.likes(any(that: isA<String>().having((food) => food, 'name', 'fish')))).called(1);
// You can stub a method using argument matcher: `any`.
// When stubbing a positional argument, use `any()`.
// When stubbing a named argument, use `any(named: '<argName>`)`.
// A custom matcher can be provided using `any(that: customMatcher)`.
when(() => cat.likes(any(), isHungry: any(named: 'isHungry', that: isFalse)).thenReturn(true);
expect(cat.likes('fish', isHungry: false), isTrue);
// You can stub a method to throw.
when(() => cat.sound()).thenThrow(Exception('oops'));
expect(() => cat.sound(), throwsA(isA<Exception>()));
// You can calculate stubs dynamically.
final sounds = ['purrr', 'meow'];
when(() => cat.sound()).thenAnswer((_) => sounds.removeAt(0));
expect(cat.sound(), 'purrr');
expect(cat.sound(), 'meow');
// You can capture any argument.
when(() => cat.likes('fish')).thenReturn(true);
expect(cat.likes('fish'), isTrue);
final captured = verify(() => cat.likes(captureAny())).captured;
expect(captured.last, equals(['fish']));
// You can capture a specific argument based on a matcher.
when(() => cat.likes(any())).thenReturn(true);
expect(cat.likes('fish'), isTrue);
expect(cat.likes('dog food'), isTrue);
final captured = verify(() => cat.likes(captureAny(that: startsWith('d')))).captured;
expect(captured.last, equals(['dog food']));
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Resetting Mocks #
reset(cat); // Reset stubs and interactions
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How it works #
Mocktail uses closures to handle catching TypeError instances which would otherwise propagate and cause test failures when stubbing/verifying non-nullable return types. Check out #24 for more information.
In order to support argument matchers such as any and captureAny mocktail has to register default fallback values to return when the argument matchers are used. Out of the box, it automatically handles all primitive types, however, when using argument matchers in place of custom types developers must use registerFallbackValue to provide a default return value. It is only required to call registerFallbackValue once per type so it is recommended to place all registerFallbackValue calls within setUpAll.
class Food {...}
class Cat {
bool likes(Food food) {...}
class MockCat extends Mock implements Cat {}
class FakeFood extends Fake implements Food {}
void main() {
setUpAll(() {
test('...', () {
final cat = MockCat();
when(() => cat.likes(any()).thenReturn(true);
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FAQs #
Why am I getting an invalid_implementation_override error when trying to Fake certain classes like ThemeData and ColorScheme?
Relevant Issue
This is likely due to differences in the function signature of toString for the class and can be resolved
using a mixin as demonstrated below:
mixin DiagnosticableToStringMixin on Object {
String toString({DiagnosticLevel minLevel =}) {
return super.toString();
class FakeThemeData extends Fake
with DiagnosticableToStringMixin
implements ThemeData {}
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Why can't I stub/verify extension methods properly?
Relevant Issue
Extension methods cannot be stubbed/verified as they are treated like static methods. This means that calls go directly to the extension method without caring about the instance. As a result, stubs and verify calls to extensions always result in an invocation of the real extension method.
Instead of stubbing/verifying extension methods directly, prefer to stub/verify public members on the instance with which the extension methods interact.
Why am I seeing error: type 'Null' is not a subtype of type 'Future
Relevant Issue
By default when a class extends Mock any unstubbed methods return null.
For example, take the following class:
class Person {
Future<void> sleep() {
await Future<void>.delayed(Duration(hours: 8));
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We can create a MockPerson like:
class MockPerson extends Mock implements Person {}
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If we have code that invokes sleep on MockPerson we will get a TypeError:
type 'Null' is not a subtype of type 'Future<void>'
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This is because we did not stub sleep so when sleep is called on an instance of MockPerson, mocktail returns null which is not compatible with Future<void>.
To address this, we must explicitly stub sleep like:
final person = MockPerson();
when(() => person.sleep()).thenAnswer((_) async {});
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Why is my method throwing a TypeError when stubbing using any()?
Relevant Issue
By default when a class extends Mock any unstubbed methods return null. When stubbing using any() the type must be inferable. However, when a method has a generic type argument it might not be able to infer the type and as a result, the generic would fallback to dynamic causing the method to act as if it was unstubbed.
For example, take the following class and its method:
class Cache {
bool set<T>(String key, T value) {
return true;
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The following stub will be equivalent to calling set<dynamic>(...):
// The type `T` of `any<T>()` is inferred to be `dynamic`.
when(() => cache.set(any(), any())).thenReturn((_) => true);
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To address this, we must explicitly stub set with a type:
final cache = MockCache();
when(() => cache.set<int>(any(), any())).thenReturn((_) => true);
cache.set<int>('key', 1);
verify(() => cache.set<int>(any(), any())).called(1);
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The type doesn't need to be applied to set<T>(), any explicit type that allows any<T>() infer its type will allow the method to be stubbed for that type:
when(() => cache.set(any(), any<int>())).thenReturn((_) => true);
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